Search found 2 matches
- Tue May 09, 2023 7:14 am
- Forum: Homestuck
- Topic: If You Had A Troll Quirk, What Would It Be?
- Replies: 110
- Views: 201419
Re: If You Had A Troll Quirk, What Would It Be?
I don’t know if people already posted a quirk similar to this, butt this iz my qwerk. baesickly tha iping werds liek hoew I wood pronaunc them and wriyting them liek werds that sownd simular, butt ar writen difrently. Also some words that have one letter will get another one, like: but -> butt. And ...
- Mon May 08, 2023 3:18 am
- Forum: The General Chat Forum
- Topic: Introductions Thread: A Brave New World
- Replies: 225
- Views: 583503
Re: Introductions Thread: A Brave New World
:kitty: hey there, I’m Lulu but go by Hexia online. I’m 15, and I’m currently experimenting with veadotube. I am in wayyy too many fandoms to keep track of, but I mainly like fnaf, omori, psx lain, and hs. In my free time, I’m busy drawing digitally, eating, gaming, and watching Phisnom vods. I’m al...