by itsyaboybigBerd » Tue Nov 22, 2022 12:44 am
Yes, food thread.
My favorite type of food is the type that is in front of me presently. Which reminds me I've forgotten to feed myself this evening. probably will cook up a ground beef patty or two. A good cheeseburger is always delicious, I generally tell people my three favorite foods are meat, vegetables, and carbohydrates (or pussy, if I'm tryna be humorous), not in any particular order.
My favorite ingredient is garlic and onions, easily. such an amazing flavor and so much you can do with it. I've yet to find a quote from the late Anthony Bourdain concerning garlic that I disagree with, that man was a genius.
Far as dishes go, I can't resist a good chicken marsala or a fat burrito. At home, I'm most happy with a classic omelette + toast or a plain-ass bowl of bran flakes. Which, by the way is getting harder to find at the grocery store these days and idk what to do about it.
Believe me though, if black coffee had any nutritional value whatsoever, it would top everything I've listed so far.
Love the pasta al forno, any sort of baked macaroni is amazing and, maybe that's what I'll do with my burgermeat tonight. Tiramisu is also one of my favorite desserts, but I can go for a simple ice cream cone and be content. Haven't tried pork pozole, it looks like something you could find at a bodega but the name sounds northern european.