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favorite characters to cosplay?

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2023 3:14 pm
by grimaisgreat
me and a bunch of my friends are getting ready to cosplay homestuck to a con in a couple weeks. the entire thing has made me super pumped. its been a dream of mine for a while to have a group of friends to cosplay stuff with.

i want to engage in more discussion on the topic. what is your favorite character to cosplay? how long have you been doing it? when did you cosplay homestuck last? any silly stories? tell me, im new here and i want to know!

Re: favorite characters to cosplay?

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2023 12:23 am
by itsyaboybigBerd
Please share pics from the con .. that sounds awesome

I've never actually cosplayed anything myself, I have a friend who's done it before but I would love to show up to a halloween party as a juggalo troll one of these days ;) ...bonus points if it's on 10/25

Re: favorite characters to cosplay?

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2023 2:19 am
by robertblodgett
I really like Jack Frost. I plan to cosplay him this Christmas.