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Cosplay Posting Thread

Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2019 10:00 pm
by furrylatula
since we've got a cosplay help thread i figured id make one for posting your cosplays and cosplay WIPs! feel free to drop your instagrams and/or shill for cosplay related commissions too

ill start off with a kanaya cosplay ive been working on for a couple months now that is 90% complete. the fluffy bastard needs MORE TULLE but i should be able to debut it at sacanime


Re: Cosplay Posting Thread

Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2019 10:38 pm
by Brandibee
(Bumping an old thread but ay, I was about to make this thread myself if anyone else hadn't.)

That dress is beautiful furrylatula! I love patterning you chose for the skirt.

I haven't cosplayed in a good few years, but I did a good bit of cosplaying from 2010-2012ish.

Terrible image quality, I know, but such is how it was back then. I was but a high schooler with a shitty cellphone. Also looking back, it's neat how you can see me start looking older as young adulthood set in!


Double pics of the last because I'm actually still pretty proud of that female Psiioniic, at least concept-wise. :cool3d:

Re: Cosplay Posting Thread

Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2024 4:39 pm
by wolfkitty42
this thread seems very inactive but i wanna share!! happy 10/25 :3
my school had a halloween party, so i went! it was fun! i still need to fix callie's pin (because it BROKE!!!!) and fix up my bucket (for candy on halloween, of course!)
i'll post pics from trick or treating when it happens/if my friends are ok w/ it
:candy: :candy: :candy: