Alabaster: The Doomed Session - Renart: Realize the error of your ways.
- Cauchemar
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Re: Alabaster: The Doomed Session - The Alabaster trailer for SAHCon N.Y. 2024 is here!
Hi! As some of you may have seen, the SAHcon New Year 2024 Showcase was yesterday, and an exclusive Alabaster trailer was released during the online convention showcase!
I'm pretty happy about it, and touched by the warm, positive reception! Thanks everyone for your continuous support throughout the years.
And also thanks to my awesome voice actors!
Lord Crenaso as Vamuin and Renart!
jenny_aχoth as Crossover
meowloudly15 as Batori and Sectra
Skye as Baby Ginneo and Dark Ginneo
It was such a pleasure to work with such a talented and motivated voice cast, they brought all of the lines to life!
I'm pretty happy about it, and touched by the warm, positive reception! Thanks everyone for your continuous support throughout the years.
And also thanks to my awesome voice actors!
Lord Crenaso as Vamuin and Renart!
jenny_aχoth as Crossover
meowloudly15 as Batori and Sectra
Skye as Baby Ginneo and Dark Ginneo
It was such a pleasure to work with such a talented and motivated voice cast, they brought all of the lines to life!
- Cauchemar
- Posts: 86
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Re: Alabaster: The Doomed Session - The Alabaster trailer for SAHCon N.Y. 2024 is here!
Special The Cerulean Motley Crew Update
Particular moment today, since, after the first appearance of a TCMC character in my adventure Alabaster, we're now seeing the first appearance of an Alabaster character in Snake's TCMC!
This journal relates specific events in the distant past of Alternia...

Particular moment today, since, after the first appearance of a TCMC character in my adventure Alabaster, we're now seeing the first appearance of an Alabaster character in Snake's TCMC!
This journal relates specific events in the distant past of Alternia...

- Cauchemar
- Posts: 86
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Re: Alabaster: The Doomed Session - Troll Cops Want You!
I am now looking for unusual cameos: fantrolls which would appear in the story as Terminator police officers. The entire idea is a corruption of the old-school Homestuck AU "Troll Cops", in a similar fashion to the sinister Alabaster reinterpretation of the concepts of Mary Sue, bloodswaps, shipping and headcanons.
If you propose your fantroll and it is accepted, it will then be reimagined as an extra: no story weight, possibly one-panel appearance.
It will be also a soulless machine with only the external appearance of your fantroll, as well as a reimagined police costume: for example, an overall becomes old-school shoulder straps on a simple shirt.
Additionally, the cameo would mean in the continuity of Alabaster, your troll will have been killed by Renart Azeban, and their horns recycled as jewelry, accessories or furniture. Their murder and original corpse will not be featured, though.
You can contact me here or by PM to engage in the murder police!

I am now looking for unusual cameos: fantrolls which would appear in the story as Terminator police officers. The entire idea is a corruption of the old-school Homestuck AU "Troll Cops", in a similar fashion to the sinister Alabaster reinterpretation of the concepts of Mary Sue, bloodswaps, shipping and headcanons.
If you propose your fantroll and it is accepted, it will then be reimagined as an extra: no story weight, possibly one-panel appearance.
It will be also a soulless machine with only the external appearance of your fantroll, as well as a reimagined police costume: for example, an overall becomes old-school shoulder straps on a simple shirt.
Additionally, the cameo would mean in the continuity of Alabaster, your troll will have been killed by Renart Azeban, and their horns recycled as jewelry, accessories or furniture. Their murder and original corpse will not be featured, though.
You can contact me here or by PM to engage in the murder police!

- Cauchemar
- Posts: 86
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Re: Alabaster: The Doomed Session - Psyops

In the cursed session, another Concomitant culture is about to meet a grim destiny.

Meanwhile, the mammoths who joined Renart's side ensure that their fellow citizens doubt their every move.

In the cursed session, another Concomitant culture is about to meet a grim destiny.

Meanwhile, the mammoths who joined Renart's side ensure that their fellow citizens doubt their every move.
- Cauchemar
- Posts: 86
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- Pronouns: They/them
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Re: Alabaster: The Doomed Session - Fear the Cube
Renart: Contact Ginneo.









Renart: Cannot believe it.

You cannot believe it.
Renart: Contact Ginneo.

[left]UM: DêAr rêtûrnêd wArrîôr, yôû sêêM tô bê thê cûrrênt SGRÛBrîp êxpêrt fôllôwîng Crôssôvêr's ûntîMêly dêAth.
MP: I jusҐ read Ґhe manual and relaҐed documenҐs again and again. WhaҐ's Ґhe quesҐion?
UM: AMôngst All ôf thê spôîls, A pêcûlîAr cAtêgôry AwAkêns întêrêst. Ît dôês nôt AppêAr tô hAvê Any ûsê.
UM: Î cAn grAsp ît And ît dîsAppêArs lîkê All ôf thêsê gAMê AbstrActîôns. Thê sMAll tîcklê whên thîngs rêAch My rêsêrvês îs ûnMîstAkAblê. Stîll, ôncê Î gêt ît, Î dôn't knôw whAt tô MAkê ôf ît, ît dôêsn't AppêAr în Any rêcîpê fôr êîthêr cônstrûctîôn ôr thAûMîfîcAtîôn.
UM: Dîd Any ôf yôû fîgûrê ôût An ApprôprîAtê ûsê fôr thîs trêAsûrê?
MP: Send me a screencap.[/left]
MP: I jusҐ read Ґhe manual and relaҐed documenҐs again and again. WhaҐ's Ґhe quesҐion?
UM: AMôngst All ôf thê spôîls, A pêcûlîAr cAtêgôry AwAkêns întêrêst. Ît dôês nôt AppêAr tô hAvê Any ûsê.
UM: Î cAn grAsp ît And ît dîsAppêArs lîkê All ôf thêsê gAMê AbstrActîôns. Thê sMAll tîcklê whên thîngs rêAch My rêsêrvês îs ûnMîstAkAblê. Stîll, ôncê Î gêt ît, Î dôn't knôw whAt tô MAkê ôf ît, ît dôêsn't AppêAr în Any rêcîpê fôr êîthêr cônstrûctîôn ôr thAûMîfîcAtîôn.
UM: Dîd Any ôf yôû fîgûrê ôût An ApprôprîAtê ûsê fôr thîs trêAsûrê?
MP: Send me a screencap.[/left]

[left]MP: Ґhis fuzzy cube?
UM: Ît îs Môst întrîgûîng. Ît hAs All AppêArAncês ôf thê ûsûAl AMArAnthûs SAwdûst, bût ûnlîkê Wôôd ôr Bônê, ît ônly êxhîbîts A côMpAct, cûbîc fôrMAt chArActêrîstîc ôf lArgê qûAntîtîês.
UM: Ît sêêMs tô bê MAdê frôM côMprêssêd flêsh.
MP: So you have a loҐ o╙ iҐ Ґhen. WhaҐ kind o╙ ConscripҐs gives you Ґhis special looҐ?
UM: All kînds. Nô nôtAblê êlêMênt. Î hAvê sêên thêsê spôîls AppêAr whên Î kîll Hôrn CônôMôrs, ShAlê Bîscîônê Rêgûlîî, Sôîl Pûcks, yôû nAMê ît.[/left]
UM: Ît îs Môst întrîgûîng. Ît hAs All AppêArAncês ôf thê ûsûAl AMArAnthûs SAwdûst, bût ûnlîkê Wôôd ôr Bônê, ît ônly êxhîbîts A côMpAct, cûbîc fôrMAt chArActêrîstîc ôf lArgê qûAntîtîês.
UM: Ît sêêMs tô bê MAdê frôM côMprêssêd flêsh.
MP: So you have a loҐ o╙ iҐ Ґhen. WhaҐ kind o╙ ConscripҐs gives you Ґhis special looҐ?
UM: All kînds. Nô nôtAblê êlêMênt. Î hAvê sêên thêsê spôîls AppêAr whên Î kîll Hôrn CônôMôrs, ShAlê Bîscîônê Rêgûlîî, Sôîl Pûcks, yôû nAMê ît.[/left]

[left]UM: And ît bêArs nô lAbêl.
MP: Are you sure iҐ is noҐ a subseҐ o╙ game money?
UM: Nônê ôf ôûr Assûrsîcklê DênArîî lôôks lîkê thîs.
MP: Yes and I'm sҐupid... IҐ IS SawdusҐ, i╙ iҐ is in Ґhe SawdusҐ lisҐ. Maybe iҐ is a gliҐchy proҐoҐype kind?
MP: We know our session is somehow broken. Ґhe hosҐ moniҐoring doesn'Ґ always work righҐ, ╙uzzy, colored orange like Ґhe clouds o╙ Skaia.
MP: And no one knows all Ґhe ways Vamuin cusҐomized Ґhe game.
MP: Maybe iҐ is a Ґype noҐ calibraҐed righҐ. So Ґhe game doesn'Ґ know whaҐ iҐ's supposed Ґo build.[/left]
MP: Are you sure iҐ is noҐ a subseҐ o╙ game money?
UM: Nônê ôf ôûr Assûrsîcklê DênArîî lôôks lîkê thîs.
MP: Yes and I'm sҐupid... IҐ IS SawdusҐ, i╙ iҐ is in Ґhe SawdusҐ lisҐ. Maybe iҐ is a gliҐchy proҐoҐype kind?
MP: We know our session is somehow broken. Ґhe hosҐ moniҐoring doesn'Ґ always work righҐ, ╙uzzy, colored orange like Ґhe clouds o╙ Skaia.
MP: And no one knows all Ґhe ways Vamuin cusҐomized Ґhe game.
MP: Maybe iҐ is a Ґype noҐ calibraҐed righҐ. So Ґhe game doesn'Ґ know whaҐ iҐ's supposed Ґo build.[/left]

[left]MP: In any case, I cannoҐ ╙ind iҐ. Browsing Ґhrough everyҐhing, noҐhing.
MP: I recognize Ґhe SawdusҐ, Ґhough, now ҐhaҐ I'm looking aҐ your screencap again. I ╙ound some o╙ iҐ on enemies Ґoo, in all ҐerriҐories in ╙acҐ.
MP: Didn'Ґ Ґry Ґo build wiҐh iҐ yeҐ. But I don'Ґ Ґhink iҐ's Ґhis imporҐanҐ.
UM: Yêt thîs Apprêhênsîôn...
MP: LeҐ's Ґalk sҐraҐegy, RenarҐ. We have prioriҐies[/left]
MP: I recognize Ґhe SawdusҐ, Ґhough, now ҐhaҐ I'm looking aҐ your screencap again. I ╙ound some o╙ iҐ on enemies Ґoo, in all ҐerriҐories in ╙acҐ.
MP: Didn'Ґ Ґry Ґo build wiҐh iҐ yeҐ. But I don'Ґ Ґhink iҐ's Ґhis imporҐanҐ.
UM: Yêt thîs Apprêhênsîôn...
MP: LeҐ's Ґalk sҐraҐegy, RenarҐ. We have prioriҐies[/left]

[left]MP: My ConcomiҐanҐs are now ╙ully armed, I am done rein╙orcing Ґhe de╙enses. WhaҐ did you do ╙or yours?
UM: Ôh, Î hAvê prêpArêd A lôt ôf gêAr fôr thêM. HêAvy stûff. Thêy shôûld stArt rêcêîvîng ît As wê spêAk.
MP: GreaҐ. BaҐori is doing Ґhe same.
MP: Because we have a problem.[/left]
UM: Ôh, Î hAvê prêpArêd A lôt ôf gêAr fôr thêM. HêAvy stûff. Thêy shôûld stArt rêcêîvîng ît As wê spêAk.
MP: GreaҐ. BaҐori is doing Ґhe same.
MP: Because we have a problem.[/left]

[left]MP: Ґruncare has le╙Ґ my ╙rozen planeҐ.
UM: WhAt?
UM: Arê thêy Allôwêd tô dô sûch A thîng?
MP: Normally no. ResidenҐs and LieuҐenanҐs are supposed Ґo sҐay in Ґheir designaҐed domain.
MP: BuҐ... Ґhink o╙ some chessboard game, where one o╙ Ґhe ╙irsҐ rules would be "You cannoҐ move your pawn on an already occupied space".[/left]
UM: WhAt?
UM: Arê thêy Allôwêd tô dô sûch A thîng?
MP: Normally no. ResidenҐs and LieuҐenanҐs are supposed Ґo sҐay in Ґheir designaҐed domain.
MP: BuҐ... Ґhink o╙ some chessboard game, where one o╙ Ґhe ╙irsҐ rules would be "You cannoҐ move your pawn on an already occupied space".[/left]

[left]UM: Yôû dîd frêê sûch A spAcê.
MP: Yeah.
UM: Bût ît cAn ônly rêAch BAtôrî's Têrrîtôry.
MP: RighҐ again. Ґhe Ґrouble lies in Ґhe Ґopography.
UM: Hôwêvêr, ît ÎS thê bêgînnîng And ênd ôf yôûr Rêsîdênt's Môbîlîty, îsn't ît?[/left]
MP: Yeah.
UM: Bût ît cAn ônly rêAch BAtôrî's Têrrîtôry.
MP: RighҐ again. Ґhe Ґrouble lies in Ґhe Ґopography.
UM: Hôwêvêr, ît ÎS thê bêgînnîng And ênd ôf yôûr Rêsîdênt's Môbîlîty, îsn't ît?[/left]

[left]UM: Nô ôthêr spAcê hAs bêên êMptîêd frôM îts rîghtfûl MônArch... Rîght?
MP: I don'Ґ know.
MP: And even i╙ iҐ didn'Ґ, ╙rom now iҐ's a simple game o╙ some planeҐ-shu╙╙ling.
MP: Imagine. PaҐriarcha going Ґo BaҐ's ҐerriҐory. So Ґruncare can go Ґo Vamuin's. Your own ResidenҐ goes Ґo my place. And when Sallie joins, Ґhey keep Ґurning, Ґurning.
UM: Wê cAnnôt tôlêrAtê hîgh Môbîlîty frôM sûch AdvAncêd AntAgônîsts.
UM: În thê fûtûrê, wê wîll try tô fînîsh thê bîg ênêMîês sîMûltAnêôûsly.
MP: UndersҐood, boss.
MP: Now, anoҐher problem.
MP: You know how Ґhe ConscripҐs can now repair Ґhemselves?[/left]
MP: I don'Ґ know.
MP: And even i╙ iҐ didn'Ґ, ╙rom now iҐ's a simple game o╙ some planeҐ-shu╙╙ling.
MP: Imagine. PaҐriarcha going Ґo BaҐ's ҐerriҐory. So Ґruncare can go Ґo Vamuin's. Your own ResidenҐ goes Ґo my place. And when Sallie joins, Ґhey keep Ґurning, Ґurning.
UM: Wê cAnnôt tôlêrAtê hîgh Môbîlîty frôM sûch AdvAncêd AntAgônîsts.
UM: În thê fûtûrê, wê wîll try tô fînîsh thê bîg ênêMîês sîMûltAnêôûsly.
MP: UndersҐood, boss.
MP: Now, anoҐher problem.
MP: You know how Ґhe ConscripҐs can now repair Ґhemselves?[/left]

[left]MP: When I enҐered, a loҐ o╙ enemies became sҐraighҐ useless.
MP: BuҐ BaҐ's proҐoҐyping allowed Ґhem Ґo reassemble Ґhemselves.
MP: My inҐelligence says ҐhaҐ DersiҐe indusҐries are now carving, cuҐҐing, sculpҐing, mixing all o╙ Ґhe ╙ormless blobs.
MP: So you see Ґhe Pucks wiҐh Conomor heads and Ґhis kind o╙ madness?
MP: IҐ's jusҐ a ╙oreҐasҐe.[/left]
MP: BuҐ BaҐ's proҐoҐyping allowed Ґhem Ґo reassemble Ґhemselves.
MP: My inҐelligence says ҐhaҐ DersiҐe indusҐries are now carving, cuҐҐing, sculpҐing, mixing all o╙ Ґhe ╙ormless blobs.
MP: So you see Ґhe Pucks wiҐh Conomor heads and Ґhis kind o╙ madness?
MP: IҐ's jusҐ a ╙oreҐasҐe.[/left]
Renart: Cannot believe it.

You cannot believe it.
- Cauchemar
- Posts: 86
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Re: Alabaster: The Doomed Session - Renart: Realize the error of your ways.

Unbeknownst to you, a life-changing transformation slowly operated.

The departure from Alternia, the death of your lusus, the killing spree apex, the sudden loss of value of horn material due to its overabundance, Via's vengeful quest, your Concomitants' philosophy, the benevolent light of your Territory all converged towards a fantastical epiphany.

What you did was wrong. Beyond repair. Horrible, atrocious. A loss beyond measure.
But it is never too late to understand, to change.

Renart: Confess.

Enter the Discord to join the party! :)

Unbeknownst to you, a life-changing transformation slowly operated.

The departure from Alternia, the death of your lusus, the killing spree apex, the sudden loss of value of horn material due to its overabundance, Via's vengeful quest, your Concomitants' philosophy, the benevolent light of your Territory all converged towards a fantastical epiphany.

What you did was wrong. Beyond repair. Horrible, atrocious. A loss beyond measure.
But it is never too late to understand, to change.

-- unsettlingMerchant [UM] began trolling unkemptParamour [UP] --
[left]UM: DêAr ônê... Î hAvê A cônfêssîôn tô MAkê.
UP: Wh♠t is it, Renny, my little sug♠r-co♠ted, golden-chocobo-fe♠thers-filled silk cushion of lo♥e?
UM: ThAt's jûst ît. Î dôn't lôvê yôû, SêctrA. î nêvêr dîd. Î wAs fôôlîng yôû... în ôrdêr tô côvêr My crîMês And tô Môrê êAsîly MAnîpûlAtê yôû.
UP: ...
UM: Î rêAlîzêd thê êrrôr ôf My wAys. Êvêrythîng Î bêlîêvêd în, thê cîrcûlAr hêMôspêctrûM, thê bêAûty ôf A gôôd MAssAcrê, thê MAnîpûlAtîôn ôf MAny, thê ûpMôst îMpôrtAncê ôf drôwnîng êvêryônê în thêîr ôwn blôôd And sûffêrîng tô bêttêr rêAch clîMAx... Ît wAs wrông. Ît wAs sô wrông.
UM: Î AM chAngîng. Î wAnt tô chAngê Môrê! Î wAnt tô bêcôMê A bêttêr pêrsôn.
UM: Wîll yôû êvêr fôrgîvê Mê?
UP: Wh♠t you did w♠s re♠lly hurtful you know!
UM: Î knôw! Î rêcôgnîzê thAt. Bût î'M A chAngêd trôll. î côMê bêfôrê yôû pôssêssêd ôf sûddên hûMîlîty thê lîkês ôf ît thê wôrld hAs nêvêr sêên. Yôû shAll fînd Mê rêpêntAnt bêyônd côMpArîsôn.
UP: Ok♠y! We c♠n be friends!
UM: Dêlîghtfûl!
UM: CAn wê rôlêplAy?[/left]
[left]UM: DêAr ônê... Î hAvê A cônfêssîôn tô MAkê.
UP: Wh♠t is it, Renny, my little sug♠r-co♠ted, golden-chocobo-fe♠thers-filled silk cushion of lo♥e?
UM: ThAt's jûst ît. Î dôn't lôvê yôû, SêctrA. î nêvêr dîd. Î wAs fôôlîng yôû... în ôrdêr tô côvêr My crîMês And tô Môrê êAsîly MAnîpûlAtê yôû.
UP: ...
UM: Î rêAlîzêd thê êrrôr ôf My wAys. Êvêrythîng Î bêlîêvêd în, thê cîrcûlAr hêMôspêctrûM, thê bêAûty ôf A gôôd MAssAcrê, thê MAnîpûlAtîôn ôf MAny, thê ûpMôst îMpôrtAncê ôf drôwnîng êvêryônê în thêîr ôwn blôôd And sûffêrîng tô bêttêr rêAch clîMAx... Ît wAs wrông. Ît wAs sô wrông.
UM: Î AM chAngîng. Î wAnt tô chAngê Môrê! Î wAnt tô bêcôMê A bêttêr pêrsôn.
UM: Wîll yôû êvêr fôrgîvê Mê?
UP: Wh♠t you did w♠s re♠lly hurtful you know!
UM: Î knôw! Î rêcôgnîzê thAt. Bût î'M A chAngêd trôll. î côMê bêfôrê yôû pôssêssêd ôf sûddên hûMîlîty thê lîkês ôf ît thê wôrld hAs nêvêr sêên. Yôû shAll fînd Mê rêpêntAnt bêyônd côMpArîsôn.
UP: Ok♠y! We c♠n be friends!
UM: Dêlîghtfûl!
UM: CAn wê rôlêplAy?[/left]

[left]UP: Of course! We're friends!
UP: ♠nd you know, you're in luck! Cross m♠n♠ged to s♠♥e herself from the exploding tree!
UM: Rê... RêAlly?
UP: Ye♠h! Turns out rolepl♠ying t♠bles ♠re re♠lly resist♠nt to full meteor bombing.
UM: Sûch MAgnîfîcênt nêws, My dêAr! Î wAs sô wôrrîêd, And sAd bêyônd MêAsûrê.
UM: Î jûst dîdn't wAnt tô AdMît ît tô Mysêlf.
UM: Yôû sêê, SêctrA...
UM: ... By thê 48 cônstêllAtîôns, thîs îs êMbArrAssîng tô sAy.
UM: Î thînk... Î thînk dêêp dôwn, Î wAs AlwAys în lôvê wîth Crôssôvêr.[/left]
UP: ♠nd you know, you're in luck! Cross m♠n♠ged to s♠♥e herself from the exploding tree!
UM: Rê... RêAlly?
UP: Ye♠h! Turns out rolepl♠ying t♠bles ♠re re♠lly resist♠nt to full meteor bombing.
UM: Sûch MAgnîfîcênt nêws, My dêAr! Î wAs sô wôrrîêd, And sAd bêyônd MêAsûrê.
UM: Î jûst dîdn't wAnt tô AdMît ît tô Mysêlf.
UM: Yôû sêê, SêctrA...
UM: ... By thê 48 cônstêllAtîôns, thîs îs êMbArrAssîng tô sAy.
UM: Î thînk... Î thînk dêêp dôwn, Î wAs AlwAys în lôvê wîth Crôssôvêr.[/left]

criticalOutlander [CO] joined the conversation ]
[left]CO: hey asshole.
UM: Whô... Whô îs...
CO: don'✝ play coy. you know me.
UM: Crôss. Î'M sô AshAmêd.
CO: i✝'s ok. sec✝ra ✝old me you were sorry.
UM: Î jûst dôn't ûndêrstAnd hôw î côûld dô sûch bAd thîngs.. î'vê bêên A bAd frîênd...
UP: The power of friendship c♠n m♠ke e♠sy to forgi♥e! The power of friendship c♠n ch♠nge e♥erything! =:)ɸɸɸ[/left]
[ righteousPornstar [RP] joined the conversation ]
[/left]RP: C==) Hey lo°sers don°'t fo°rget abo°ut me!
UP: ♥♠nny! You're here too!
RP: C==) Can't let yo°u all steal the spo°tlight from the o°ne truly aweso°me guy!
RP: C==)See, Cro°ss had a plan to° save me, she always had
CO: i ✝hink ✝he ✝eam isn'✝ comple✝e wi✝hou✝ a good, lovable jock.
CO: i always apprecia✝ed you, Ikenga. ✝here's more value ✝o you ✝han mee✝ ✝he eye.
CO: now Azeban, didn'✝ you have some✝hing ✝o ✝ell me?
CO: a good dm can feel ✝hese ✝hings.
UM: Î'M nôt sûrê...
CO: ✝his is ✝he righ✝ ✝ime.
CO: go for i✝.
RP: C==)Yeah cute guy go° fo°r it.
UP: We're behind you Renny![/left]
[left]CO: hey asshole.
UM: Whô... Whô îs...
CO: don'✝ play coy. you know me.
UM: Crôss. Î'M sô AshAmêd.
CO: i✝'s ok. sec✝ra ✝old me you were sorry.
UM: Î jûst dôn't ûndêrstAnd hôw î côûld dô sûch bAd thîngs.. î'vê bêên A bAd frîênd...
UP: The power of friendship c♠n m♠ke e♠sy to forgi♥e! The power of friendship c♠n ch♠nge e♥erything! =:)ɸɸɸ[/left]
[ righteousPornstar [RP] joined the conversation ]
[/left]RP: C==) Hey lo°sers don°'t fo°rget abo°ut me!
UP: ♥♠nny! You're here too!
RP: C==) Can't let yo°u all steal the spo°tlight from the o°ne truly aweso°me guy!
RP: C==)See, Cro°ss had a plan to° save me, she always had
CO: i ✝hink ✝he ✝eam isn'✝ comple✝e wi✝hou✝ a good, lovable jock.
CO: i always apprecia✝ed you, Ikenga. ✝here's more value ✝o you ✝han mee✝ ✝he eye.
CO: now Azeban, didn'✝ you have some✝hing ✝o ✝ell me?
CO: a good dm can feel ✝hese ✝hings.
UM: Î'M nôt sûrê...
CO: ✝his is ✝he righ✝ ✝ime.
CO: go for i✝.
RP: C==)Yeah cute guy go° fo°r it.
UP: We're behind you Renny![/left]
Renart: Confess.

[left]UM: Crôss.
UM: Î'vê AlwAys lôvêd yôû.
UM: Sîncê thê fîrst tîMê Î sAw yôûr nôblê fAcê thrôûgh thê SkAîAn clôûds.
UM: Yôûr dîgnîty, prîncîplês And dêtêrMînAtîôn...
UM: Î dîdn't ûndêrstAnd ît bAck thên, bût Î wAs êntrAncêd.
UM: Î pêrfêctly gêt ît îf yôû dôn't wAnt Mê.
UM: Î'M nôt A pêrfêct trôll. Î MAdê MîstAkês.
CO: small ones don'✝ worry
CO: and yeah i can say
CO: af✝er all has been said and done ✝here is a curious kind of ligh✝ in ✝he red corner of ✝his nonsensical quadran✝ sys✝em.
CO: i ✝hink i love you ✝oo.
UM: R-RêAlly.
CO: yeah. le✝'s go for i✝.
CO: and have our firs✝ ✝ime in fron✝ of Ikenga while we're a✝ i✝.
CO: we'll show him how ✝his s✝uff is REALLY done.
UM: Î... Î'm sô hAppy.
UM: Î cAn't wAît tô gêt stArtêd... Î cAn't wAît tô dîscôvêr All ôf yôu în thîs wAy...
CO: yes
CO: and i'll keep my ha✝ on
RP: C==) Is this really happening.
CO: of course. we're going all ✝he way.
UM: Wê shAll dô êvêrythîng. And yôû cAn jôîn tôô.
RP: C==) Damn that's go°o°d.
UP: Re♠lly? C♠n I come too? =:oɸɸɸ
CO: ✝he more ✝he merrier.
CO: we'll invi✝e everyone. we'll resurrec✝ everyone. ophiuchus included! i'm sure he can ✝each us some really impor✝an✝ life lessons, he will come around.
CO: we'll ga✝her, and ✝hen we will uni✝e all of our bodies and souls
UM: Yês...
CO: around a big ✝able.
UM: Yês!
CO: ✝his will be Renar✝'s firs✝ ✝ime.
CO: We'll fill charact✝er shee✝s, describe and ✝hrow dices like ✝here's no ✝omorrow.
UM: Î'vê AlwAys lôvêd yôû.
UM: Sîncê thê fîrst tîMê Î sAw yôûr nôblê fAcê thrôûgh thê SkAîAn clôûds.
UM: Yôûr dîgnîty, prîncîplês And dêtêrMînAtîôn...
UM: Î dîdn't ûndêrstAnd ît bAck thên, bût Î wAs êntrAncêd.
UM: Î pêrfêctly gêt ît îf yôû dôn't wAnt Mê.
UM: Î'M nôt A pêrfêct trôll. Î MAdê MîstAkês.
CO: small ones don'✝ worry
CO: and yeah i can say
CO: af✝er all has been said and done ✝here is a curious kind of ligh✝ in ✝he red corner of ✝his nonsensical quadran✝ sys✝em.
CO: i ✝hink i love you ✝oo.
UM: R-RêAlly.
CO: yeah. le✝'s go for i✝.
CO: and have our firs✝ ✝ime in fron✝ of Ikenga while we're a✝ i✝.
CO: we'll show him how ✝his s✝uff is REALLY done.
UM: Î... Î'm sô hAppy.
UM: Î cAn't wAît tô gêt stArtêd... Î cAn't wAît tô dîscôvêr All ôf yôu în thîs wAy...
CO: yes
CO: and i'll keep my ha✝ on
RP: C==) Is this really happening.
CO: of course. we're going all ✝he way.
UM: Wê shAll dô êvêrythîng. And yôû cAn jôîn tôô.
RP: C==) Damn that's go°o°d.
UP: Re♠lly? C♠n I come too? =:oɸɸɸ
CO: ✝he more ✝he merrier.
CO: we'll invi✝e everyone. we'll resurrec✝ everyone. ophiuchus included! i'm sure he can ✝each us some really impor✝an✝ life lessons, he will come around.
CO: we'll ga✝her, and ✝hen we will uni✝e all of our bodies and souls
UM: Yês...
CO: around a big ✝able.
UM: Yês!
CO: ✝his will be Renar✝'s firs✝ ✝ime.
CO: We'll fill charact✝er shee✝s, describe and ✝hrow dices like ✝here's no ✝omorrow.

[left]UM: Yôû knôw, Î bêt Î côûld wrîtê sôMê kîckAss sêlf-hêlp bôôks.[/left]

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