Whether it's biology, culture, or anything else.
Give Me The Alternian Fanlore

Neat! I've always interpreted the schoolhive/schoolfeed system as it starting off as communal education for all trolls, then eventually shifting to just video lessons as trolls become older/more violent.Sokota wrote: ↑Sun Nov 10, 2019 9:49 pmAlternia has a fairly (in)comprehensive educational system, Karkat mentions early on in the story "schoolhives" and states that Sollux should be "schoolfed". My HC is that they have maybe up to middle school education, but on survival techniques/related things rather than academic subjects. But it's just a vague HC!
Interesting! I've never considered this before. However, the Mother Grubs seem to resemble lusii rather than trolls. What are your thoughts on this?arachnoTherapist wrote: ↑Sun Nov 10, 2019 9:51 pmAll of the trolls we see in Homestuck are actually males of the species. The mother grub and the drones are the females. The mother grub is the queen of the colony and the Drones are the workers. If you look at real life insect colonies though, they don't produce anywhere near the same number of males as they do females. The workers almost always drastically outnumber the males, so what gives here?
Well, mother grubs are incredibly rare and it's unlikely two will ever meet to be able to cross-pollinate their gene pools which would eventually lead to serious genetic degradation. The solution? Produce more males. Produce lots more males. If you produce enough of them then take genetic stock from all of them, eventually the mutation rate will overpower the lack of genetic diversity. This is also why trolls are so prone to weird mutations - cerulean eyes, goldblood psionics, mutant blood colours, etcetera. Their gene code is subject to huge selection pressures that drive them towards instability.
Unfortunately, this absurd number of males is just too much of a drain on resources for one colony to sustain on its own. So what's the solution? Have other animals raise them. Somehow the synergy with the lusii was developed in order to relieve stress from the mother grub and her workers. Is it some kind of pheromone? A symbiotic mind controlling fungus? Some kind of parasite that makes lusii affable to trolls? Who knows!
Aren't the chitinous bug people just the carapacians though?
It'd be weird if someone just started rubbing your ears, right? But if it's someone close to you it's not really as weird, just a little strange, but somehow endearing. That's how I picture horns. I wouldn't imagine they have much feeling at all since regular animal horns don'tKnightOfRage413 wrote: ↑Mon Nov 11, 2019 8:27 pmMy contribution for today: troll horns aren't necessarily as sensitive as certain headcanons make them out to be, but allowing someone to touch them is still a fairly intimate thing. In a culture as violent as Alternia's, and with the physical strength of a lot of trolls, someone getting a hold of your horns means they could just as easily kill you. Ergo, only those you trust (aka those in your quadrants) are allowed to touch your horns and the area around it. This means that sensation in that area sends very specific 'oh yes very nice' feelings through your thinkpan.
I have more horn headcanons but those can wait for another time.
I don't see why you couldn't! Tell us why Diemen actually likes Burgers more than Hot Dogs in a ten page essay! Expound upon Azdaja's secret adoration of Civara! Revel in the might of Marvus being an actual political activist!