Thought I'd make an appreciation thread for one of my favorite works of fiction: 17776!
For those who are unfamiliarized, 17776 is an online sci-fi story which was written by Jon Bois for SBNation, a fan-run sports website. To simplify it the most that I can without spoiling anything, the basic premise is to pose the question "What will American football look like in the distant future?". However, it talks mainly about a dystopian, post-capitalist United States, where people have suddenly stopped dying, but babies have stopped being born as well. It's amazing, deep and profound in its own way (much like Homestuck is!).
If you haven't read it, feel free to start reading it at https://www.sbnation.com/a/17776-football! If you have, feel free to discuss all 17776 related things in this thread.
If you want a taste of what 17776 is like before reading, inside the spoiler is a screenshot that pretty much summarizes the 17776 experience.