hi all! sorry for the radio silence since last upd8; julys been really busy for me so i havent really had the energy to put into keeping folx in the know. nothing personnel, promise -- and thank you for the feedback and kind words all the meanwhile <3
but that hasnt stopped me from working on the site, so: ive got a pretty big update today!

- two new albums have been archived, both from Casual Sunday (a group of the artists behind countless homestuck tracks)!! check em out: Shortcuts, P[S]
- duration details have been added to every track, and rough total sums to album and artist pages too
- there are some simple keybindings for browsing track/album/flash pages now! (Shift+N), (Shift+P), and (Shift+R), for "next", "previous", and "random" respectively
- there are a bunch of new listings based around duration data, plus two just-for-fun listings of all the tracks featured in homestuck
- per foreverFlummoxeds suggestion (thank you!! :D) ive redesigned the Unreleased Tracks album!!! it should be a lot more browseable now :3
- in large part thanks to help sent from an emailer, ive updated the youtube links of pretty much every album and track so that they bring you to playlists including as many official uploads as i know! please feel free to send more links, its very likely weve missed a bunch :)

thanks for continuing to use the site and leave feedback!! working on hsmusic has always been a really incremental process, and there is absolutely no way it wouldve reached the breadth and depth it has if not for everyones input and ideas. its come a long way, and the only direction that continues to remain is forward <3