February Forum Updates + Stats!

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February Forum Updates + Stats!

Post by classpectanon » Fri Jan 31, 2020 9:02 am

Hi, folks! Thank you all for sticking with us in our first three months of activity. I'm gonna go ahead and post some updates here.

Not much has changed, but I have increased PM folder size from 50 to 500 because frankly, I have the storage space for it. Even with 699 users, your text and images are taking up minimal space (this isn't an excuse to go nuts, more that I just have a big server that will take a while to fill).

I'll probably be opening up a formalized process for emote submissions soon. I also may be taking on some new moderators and promoting one or two old ones to global mod, we'll see.

Here are some stats!
Screen Shot 2020-01-31 at 8.47.08 AM.png
Screen Shot 2020-01-31 at 8.47.08 AM.png (92.39 KiB) Viewed 16287 times
In terms of usage, late December was our busiest time period through sheer IPV4 and IPV6 traffic, because that was when I was running a banner ad on MSPFA. Our spikiest CPU usage numbers only bring us up to 20% usage or so, so the server is handling the load fairly well. I don't see a need for server size increases in the near future, so that should keep our costs low and lean. Understandably, we get a big traffic spike every update, bonus or otherwise, as well as during PesterQuest releases.

Backups are running fine. Linode makes it fairly easy to restore from backup if something goes wrong. As mentioned, we get a daily backup, a weekly backup, and a monthly backup, so if anything goes preposterously wrong it should be simple to reset the server.

Speaking of backups, PHPBB 3.3.0 is out (our version is 3.2.8), so the forum will probably go down for maintenance at some point soon while I update. I'll make another announcement when that happens, but I am juggling an absurd amount of plates at the moment so it probably won't be for a couple of days at the minimum.

I'm gonna roll through the suggestions thread when I have the time and try to fit in as many as I can -- you haven't gone ignored, I've just been busy. Pinky promise I'm getting around to it.

The Site Patreon is at 3 dollars a month (more like 2.50 because Patreon acts as a middleman but who's counting). Hooray! That's 3 dollars more than expected. If you've signed up for the Patreon, poke me in DMs and I'll throw you on the credits list, if you want.

In regards to social stuff, please remember that I have a full-time job to fund this with, and it's not going to go down anytime soon, but as a corollary to that, I also don't have the time to sift through every single thread for arguments. I poke around every here and there, but if there is a rule violation going on, don't be the one to assume that someone else will take care of it! I try to deal with rule violations as soon as the notification ping hits my email.

Thank you all for helping make this forum a great place. Here's to another successful 3 months!
I'm more easily reached at classpectanon#4228 on Discord. I will respond to reports faster there because PHPBB's notification system is borked and doesn't email me when you report things.

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Re: February Forum Updates + Stats!

Post by classpectanon » Wed Feb 05, 2020 12:45 pm

Quick little tech update -- I've received a couple of pokes about Really Tall Images so I've set an upper cap on the max height of images posted inline. This cap is set to 75vh in css talk, which in normal human speak means that the biggest it can be vertically is 75% of your browser window (or Viewport Height: vh). Will be poking around in the suggestions thread for other stuff shortly.
I'm more easily reached at classpectanon#4228 on Discord. I will respond to reports faster there because PHPBB's notification system is borked and doesn't email me when you report things.

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Re: February Forum Updates + Stats!

Post by classpectanon » Wed Feb 05, 2020 1:23 pm

BBCode update:

tinytiny but upwards


test heading 1 test heading 2 test heading 3
test cell 1 test cell 2
colspan test
test cell 3

alignment's been modified a bit, table support is added but it's ugly, background color support has been added. i'm trying to puzzle out how exactly to get borders to work but for now it do.

table has support for colspan and rowspan as parameters in the cell bbcode (td and th).
I'm more easily reached at classpectanon#4228 on Discord. I will respond to reports faster there because PHPBB's notification system is borked and doesn't email me when you report things.

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