"takes place in the MCU"

[font=Comic Sans MS]You ignoramus, you utter eater of ashes and fiberglass insulation. How dare you visit this forsaken website. I took some small solace in being free of the harsh light of the Interesting Zones, but it seems even permanence of that comfort is unattainable. Indulging this nonsense again is as damaging to you as it is to me. Imagine crashing your car and then hailing a rideshare driven by youtube live chat to take you to the hospital. This adventure is the freeway to hell, and you’re driving on the wrong side of the median.
Why are you here? Is it morbid curiosity? Is it, through some sort of self-schadenfreude, out of an actual interest in the original series? Is it because you hated Trol Seasson, and hope that this will be better? It is with pain that I inform you, “2roll Season 2” is not “Trol Seasson.” It is much worse.[/font]

That an Omniscient, Omnipotent, Omnisexual being such as myself should be delegated to overseeing this wretched, festering world once is one thing, but to be dragged back, dredged from the blissful unconsciousness of irrelevance. That is torture. That is what you have done. Does my suffering amuse you? Do you derive joy from this? You rotten, vile thing. You pustule on the face of your oh-so-pristine “non-fictional” universe. Perhaps you didn’t even read the original adventure. That’s fine. It is literally nothing but a waste of time for both of us, and I have all the time in the world.
My name is Doc Coulton. I am the First Guardian of Trolternia.
In this video, I will

What the fuck is this shit.

Name the dude