Sometimes, you just can't get enough of meeting one of the many brand new friends before you. #blessed
DOWNLOAD LINK: https://spritersblock.itch.io/befriendus
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/BefriendusGame
TUMBLR: https://befriendus.tumblr.com/
DISCORD: https://discord.gg/3v4wBzy
Hey all! I'm Alienoid and I'm the director of Befriendus, our fan-made answer to Pesterquest's lack of alpha troll content. The game will feature 12 familiar faces, but perhaps a little younger than you may remember them... I'm basically just so excited about this project that I found myself needing to shove this everywhere I could think of. I hope this project looks intriguing!
The first two volumes are planned to drop on 4/13, with future double-volume updates happening... as they happen. We'll do our best to keep you dancestor fans well-fed but we're only human.
for those who can't be assed reading alternian, that sign says "Cuddleplum Beforus." you're welcome