The Ex-Chair of Commerce has already been disgraced enough. You cannot take his fetching red hat no matter how tempting it is. It is rightfully his.
>WV: dont forget your beautiful ambar! someone could steal it!

You mean this? This isn't your pretty amber you freed SERENITY from. That was left behind when you were transported to the Meteor. This is a replacement made from an empty FIDUSPAWN EGG you found while exploring.
It wouldn't do to leave it behind. You will need things to barter with when you find the clown, wherever he is. You suppose you can take the can it's on too. You have four cans but there were five TYRANTS left to fell.

You obtain the FAKE AMBER.
You also obtain a RATION CAN.
>WV: exit room

With your inventory now a little heftier you decide it's high time to leave. You're as ready as you're going to be.