Mandy wrote: ↑Fri Jun 26, 2020 10:58 pm
>Bring the virus

In a final attempt to avoid dealing with this bullshit scenario you plunge your fist deep into the ooie-gooie core of the virus in hopes that it would end your life in a dramatic fashion. Instead, it tickles, and now, you can't get your hand out. shit.
Okay well I guess we're bringing the virus with us wherever we go no matter the consequences. I'm sure there will be very few. Anyway, time to leave the trailer.
wow! look at all this fucking garbage! The old man couldn't have left the trailer next to a bus station or something? this is ridiculous.
luigi wrote: ↑Fri Jun 26, 2020 2:21 pm
>sweep the entire thing away

why would you brush away all your dad's stuff? that stingy fool would only give you something if it was A) absolutely crucial, or B)absolutely useless, he calls it 'social experimentation' I call it spitefully pranking your son.
Plus, he'll be pissed if he hears you used his fancy new broom just for the sake flagrant hooliganry, especially when it ruins his 'experiments.'
Not to mention... you have NO IDEA how the two of you could have POSSIBLY gotten this crap ALL THE WAY UP HERE. Which will make getting back down (preferably
without being monched on by what you can only assume are terrifying monsters) slightly more difficult.
Merlin wrote: ↑Fri Jul 03, 2020 12:38 pm
Store the virus in your lungs, and you might as well detonate that detonator while you're at it.

okay first of all you don't have lungs. those dots on your face? eyes, probably, but definitely not nostrils. Do you see a mouth? well, no, because you can't see your face due to where your eyes are maybe probably located.
SECONDLY. it's stuck to your arm, that baby isn't going ANYWHERE... actually it's kind of starting to feel uh, prickly...
but let's disregard that entirely until it becomes a problem.
you go back in the trailer to grab the detonator from the Toolboks. You click it a few times. You hear some soft explosions off in the distance. Looks like you didn't detonate everything when you were passed out ON the button... that's, wow.
You always knew your old man was a bit eccentric but this is extreme even for him
how many people have you just maimed and/or murdered?
let's say zero.
No, let's say you've actually HELPED like 6 people.
Yeah, I like the sound of that!
4 disabled children, a sentient ape with cerebral palsy, and an super old lady. Wow, great work team.
luigi wrote: ↑Fri Jul 03, 2020 11:02 am
>Do a headstand

In celebration of your spectacular humanitarian feats, you do the traditional congratulatory headstand.
this feels great.
you're just great.
yay you.
if you had one, your mom would be so proud of you right now.
"great job Dusty" she'd say.
"I'm so glad I got pregnant with you by your Dad and you totally didn't just come out of his balls" she'd continue
"You're my pride and joy, and one day you also won't have a child from your balls, and I hope that that child is just as good as you Dusty because... you know what? You're just the best. I love you" she'd conclude.
"nice" you think to yourself.