launch of
hey all!! i wanted to drop an update here, since as of today, 12/12/2020, the new update has been released -- and its a big one!
first and foremost, i wanted to thank everyone whos given feedback or input, shared their research, or even just visited the wiki -- it quite literally wouldnt be where it is without each one of you, and im incredibly thankful for that. this update in particular was much more a collaboration with a lovely community of people than any prior, so i figured to make this announcement a little different from the others too, id celebrate all their additions and contributions here!
thank you to...
- foreverFlummoxed, for helping immensely with collecting credit links for artists who were missing them before, for sharing a bunch of research on leitmotif references in the new Hiveswap Act 2 OST album, and for helping as ever with feature and update discussion!
- nuclear333, for compiling an unofficial Pesterquest OST album & metadata and in general staying on top of pesterquest and friendsim data (FF helped a bunch here too!), and for offering invaluable support and critique throughout update development!
- Niklink, for going to the effort of transcribing and double-checking every official track with lyrics -- including, mind you, so many that were altogether missing their lyrics on the wiki before. be sure to check out the Tracks - with Lyrics listing for examples of his excellent handiwork!! thanks also to him for offering uniquely valuable feature discussion and input, as did everyone else.
- nata, for tiring through the endless techno-hell that is computers, and offering much help in preparing the site for its new home on, now hosted (also thanks to her!!) independently of Ye Olde Corporate Githubbe.
- Bambosh, for a variety of data checking, and for integrating the wiki so nicely into The Unofficial Homestuck Collection!
besides plenty other additions, one new feature on the site is a News page, so rather than redundantly cover the update details in full here, ill direct you over to
Launch of! to read more for yourself. :)
thank you so much for sticking with the wiki across well over a year of development!! i really cant describe how much it means to me. the site certainly isnt
done development, so look forward to more updates -- and more albums -- as ever! thank you.

edit: im so bad at bbcode lol