Introducing the Demons

The Demons are a new humanoid race, which exists in Universe F which is made by 2 important people to the storyline, in universe D. Like the trolls, they are literally what their race's name says about them. While in the story there is 4 major human characters (+ pre-scratch and loop-scratch humans) and 12 major troll characters, there is 7 major Demon characters, and each one is from one of the 7 demon sub-races, these being shadow, fire, ice, ghost/spirit, cyber, time, and dwarf/underground demon.
Introducing the Scratch Loop

The scratch loop is a special scratch concept, which happens if three scratch sequences manage to happen in the same universe. There is of course pre-scratch and post-scratch variants which we know of, but if a scratch sequence happens in post-scratch, things start to #### up and then a so-called Loop-scratch variant starts. This is basically a regular post-scratch variant with the same rules as a post-scratch variant for the pre-scratch (E1) players, but in this example for the post-scratch (E2) players. Even though it's called a Loop-Scratch variant, things will stay okay if a scratch sequence is not activated anymore in this variant, and which would third time for the current universe. If one is activated however, the universe resets from a certain point starting again from the Pre-scratch variant, in this example the universe Being Universe E. When a Universe is reset for the first time through a scratch sequence activated for the third time, a Scratch Loop happens for the Universe. This means that the universe is destined to be reset for eternity over and over again, which itself means that a scratch sequence is activated in every variant over and over. This is possible if every variant has a time aspect player since they can activate a scratch sequence for their session. Few characters in the fan story are aware of the infinite scratch sequences and resets which happen in the Universe, one of these people being an "author", his younger self, and a Violet caste troll who exists in the same universe but in a different planet.
I also currently have an fandom wiki page for HM -1: NCAA. Note that this fandom page is very work in progress though, and not even possibly 20% of things are added yet. I dont know will I ever get the story done, depends on my motivation and how long it will take as im still currently working on act 1 because I wanted to start remaster it as my taste for it was not good enough, but in the wiki there is information about the characters and about the story. In some pages there are spoilers about the many acts of the story, and what will happen, as I use this to archive my story's information in there for myself and others who might be interested in it.
https://homestuck-1-not-canon-at-all.fa ... t_All_Wiki
I noticed that only few were interested on my last post, but I am not really concerned by this, since I like to work on random projects and write stories I might never finish, now and then. The attention and possible "fame" are only extra for me. If you might be even interested in my project thingy though, you have my gratitude.