Whattup y'all! I go by the name Berd, also known on the internet as 2xN, gvt. name Edward Benn. I'm kinda an oldhead comparatively, started reading at some point during the time act 6 was in progress, but this is my first actual introduction to the community. I even stopped reading during the gigapause and came back a few years ago to finish the story. Didn't read the epilogues, but I plan on it. Clear to see forum culture is dying out fast, but I wanna give this a try. Do it for the fandom.
Otherwise I'm also a One Piece fan, a Starcraft player (probably the only one in the center circle of this particular venn diagram though), a chef by trade, And big into music(mostly hip-hop or anything with a guitar, but my car radio is almost always on a classical/jazz station when I'm listening to FM.) The music in HS is what really got me hooked, but I love the story and the art is great too. Something about pieces like Explore, Sburban Jungle, and Descend, and so many other songs just punched me in the heart on my first time reading. I even made a rap cover of Black (it's
here, but pretty cringey, like there are some lines that sound like I straight up ripped them off Canibus) My biggest gripe with the death of Flash is that if I watch [S] Enter, the bridge of the song where the synth plays the "sburban riff" and it lines up perfectly with the falling of the raindrops into the puddle showing Rose's reflection. Seeing it on Youtube really made those couple of seconds fall hard on my "favorite moments in Homestuck" list.
Anyway I'm rambling like a m'f right now, I can't wait to share my opinions 'n' shit with you guys, clearly. Great to be here.
P.S. Terezi owns