Yunmeo Fuwajo, Maid of void. An ANCIENT-ass rustblood, kept both physically and mentally stunted (Yet, alive!) by fruit from her horroterror hell tree lusus. Spent most of her life almost entirely isolated in a crater, until mysteeeeriously a laptop shot down from a meteor, which just so happened to have full internet access and no apparent battery limit. The fact such a thing should be impossible simply wasn't apparent to her. Obviously, both of those factors would be due to alchemization. I did make a sprite for her, but it's quite frankly Garbo so don't worry about it.

Firrel Ujimet. Knight of Mind, if I recall correctly. A speedrunner at AGDQ (Acceptable Games Done Quick), and proprietor of the somewhat anti-establishment BGDQ (Banned Games Done Quick). A fatalistic-ass goldblood, kind of actively trying to get Alternia to chew him up before he gets stuck in an engine. Also a trans guy.
Nelegy Fralis, mage of rage. Probably my main, definitely one of my favorites. Her cute :3 quirk belies the fact that she's just...really tired. All the time. And kind of rude about it. She's a minor grubtube creator (Not a grubtube personality, to temper expectations), who mostly deals in online hoaxes. Also makes music, thus the symbol and name having 'elegy' in it.

Drefti Hundet. Nelegy's ex-girlfriend. They broke up after an...accident that ended up with her eye getting scratched out. Probably my least fleshed out character, I never really gave her much of any real personality traits other than "Nice Jadeblood". Well, that and cute emotes @z^

Perrey Agadro. Bard of Rage, though significantly more stable than Gamzee by a loooong shot. That said, she's still pretty unpredictable-she's a potion concoction maker. A woman of science. The fact that nobody else can do what she does means nothing except that everyone else is a little incompetent. It's just not worth even thinking about that she's doing anything 'magical' or 'impossible'. She has a tendency to test these sorts of things on herself, so thus where a fair amount of the unpredicability comes from.

Kennie Cormik, agender (uses any pronoun) Sylph of Doom. Kind of has a skewed concept of Death, due to living with a lusus that fake-died pretty much every few hours. Very tired. Drinks a lot of coffee. Once they're in-game, switches to wearing dresses basically exclusively. I'm not honestly sure how to describe them as a character. They're a masochist, and have a tendency to quite enjoy trying to explain shit (Sylph, after all).

And then there's Jakobs Cormik! He's a prince of doom last time I revised, I think. He flip-flops between knight and prince. His symbol is a chakram, his weapon of choice. Obsessed with becoming an executioner and lawman, though really he's just someone who thinks his only real worth is as a killer because his lusus didn't teach him much else. Thus all the scratches and the like.