It's not fun, it's not being handled in an interesting way and it makes me feel nothing but pity for the characters which are subjected to this.

I don't care anymore if it's "not canon" or not, you're still subjecting those characters I've grown to like, love and hate into stupid fucking scenarios that I woudn't wish over anyone. Reading the epilogues was nothing but pure torture, and I don't care how "good" those epilogues are, the implication is that the characters in this piece of fiction I cared about had to deal with all of that bullshit is what truly sucks for me. The Boldir route in Friendsim is basically all about this, where it's all about "relevance" and shit and how when you're not relevant you might as well be dead, and while you might argue that this was present since the beginning with the doomed timelines, I don't think doomed timelines were a good thing either, they make the readers think there is only one way to achieve a good end, despite the literally infinite possibilities the universe has.
I really wish we went back to how Homestuck was in its early acts, it felt like a meta analysis on video games as a whole and what made them interesting to us, by having the lore of sburb and how the game worked as some sort of "perfect videogame" where we could only dream of playing(I might be wrong about all of this but its what I understood from what I read in acts 1-5). Now it's all about this meta bullshit with "canon" and "non-canon" and "fan fiction" talk, which I don't think was worth it over what we could have gotten.
I won't wish ill onto anyone handling the Homestuck franchise but I really think the "Homestuck universe" could have been taken into a better much more interesting and fun direction, instead of this whole "dude why do you care its all non canon lmao" we got.
Anyways, please tell me if you disagree and if you do actually find the whole canon/non canon discussion interesting and why, because I don't really get it at all.