I hate the whole "canon discussion" the series has taken

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I hate the whole "canon discussion" the series has taken

Post by PilotBlackSmith » Mon Nov 25, 2019 6:51 pm

I really hate it.

It's not fun, it's not being handled in an interesting way and it makes me feel nothing but pity for the characters which are subjected to this. :jadesob:

I don't care anymore if it's "not canon" or not, you're still subjecting those characters I've grown to like, love and hate into stupid fucking scenarios that I woudn't wish over anyone. Reading the epilogues was nothing but pure torture, and I don't care how "good" those epilogues are, the implication is that the characters in this piece of fiction I cared about had to deal with all of that bullshit is what truly sucks for me. The Boldir route in Friendsim is basically all about this, where it's all about "relevance" and shit and how when you're not relevant you might as well be dead, and while you might argue that this was present since the beginning with the doomed timelines, I don't think doomed timelines were a good thing either, they make the readers think there is only one way to achieve a good end, despite the literally infinite possibilities the universe has.

I really wish we went back to how Homestuck was in its early acts, it felt like a meta analysis on video games as a whole and what made them interesting to us, by having the lore of sburb and how the game worked as some sort of "perfect videogame" where we could only dream of playing(I might be wrong about all of this but its what I understood from what I read in acts 1-5). Now it's all about this meta bullshit with "canon" and "non-canon" and "fan fiction" talk, which I don't think was worth it over what we could have gotten.

I won't wish ill onto anyone handling the Homestuck franchise but I really think the "Homestuck universe" could have been taken into a better much more interesting and fun direction, instead of this whole "dude why do you care its all non canon lmao" we got.

Anyways, please tell me if you disagree and if you do actually find the whole canon/non canon discussion interesting and why, because I don't really get it at all.
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Re: I hate the whole "canon discussion" the series has taken

Post by sorbicCondition » Mon Nov 25, 2019 7:18 pm

The epilogues are written to be a tragedy. It's supposed to make you feel bad. I'd personally be far more disappointed with an epilogue that just painted everything as fine, since we got that with the credits.
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Re: I hate the whole "canon discussion" the series has taken

Post by Flame_Warp » Mon Nov 25, 2019 7:44 pm

I'd be lying if I said HS's jokingly up its own ass meta bullshit wasn't starting to feel genuinely up its own ass the longer it goes on. That's part of why I kind of wanted the epilogues to actually just...be it. Tie up loose ends. Hopefully put the characters largely in a better place. And be it. This whole 'official fanfic' BS feels incredibly plastic and pointless to me, and it's just...protracted. I'm not gonna be like "Let it die" every time they post something new, I like Homestuck, I think it's possible for good to come out of it still (I mean, Pesterquest! I love Pesterquest. HS2 is looking okay if concerning), but the epilogues were just a deluge of shit that did basically nothing to actually improve the previous story, while ruining some of the themes and characters I liked most from the actual comic.

To have something of a tangent, it's similar to an issue I have with the seeming tone of Deltarune. UT was an uplifting thing, it said 'the things you do matter and the people around you do as well, as long as you let them.', and that was good! Now we're apparently switching to 'your choices don't matter', which...okay. Cool. That's sure a take that's new and fun. Way to use your meta angle in a way that isn't somewhat tired and frustrating.

I just miss when Homestuck felt like it was a comitragedy. Even as shit happened and people were breaking, at the end of the day it's a relatively lighthearted story. Not feeling like that so much anymore, as much as Terezi tries to keep spirits up.

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Re: I hate the whole "canon discussion" the series has taken

Post by Cyber-Fan » Mon Nov 25, 2019 7:45 pm

Personally I have mixed feelings about it.

I think the examination of canon works when it's a part of the story, but not absolutely essential to the main plot. For example, I think the idea of Candy John's depression being a result of him being separated from "canon" is interesting, and it's certainly an interpretation that the text supports, but I also appreciate how the narrative provides other in-universe explanations, and even a contrasting voice in the form of Roxy, who straight up says that canon and relevance are bullshit.

I'm not a fan of the approach that Homestuck 2 seems to be taking, where Dirk just annihilates the fourth wall and basically says "hey I am a character in a webcomic called homestuck. I am in charge of canon. Look at this picture it is a panel." I know homestuck is no stranger to meta jokes and fourth wall breaks, but previously they were mostly just jokes. Even Dirk's narrative powers were handled better in the epilogues, when they felt more like weird mind-controlling powers that even Dirk didn't fully understand with extremely meta undertones, rather than "Dirk is literally writing the webcomic that he knows he is a part of."

That second paragraph might have gotten a little off topic but basically all I'm saying is I'm fine with the canon/non-canon exploration as long as it's not the main thematic pillar of the story, and if it's handled with at least a tiny bit of subtlety.

(oh and I haven't played Boldir's route so I can't comment on that.)

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Re: I hate the whole "canon discussion" the series has taken

Post by furrylatula » Mon Nov 25, 2019 7:47 pm

PilotBlackSmith wrote:
Mon Nov 25, 2019 6:51 pm
I don't care anymore if it's "not canon" or not, you're still subjecting those characters I've grown to like, love and hate into stupid fucking scenarios that I woudn't wish over anyone. Reading the epilogues was nothing but pure torture, and I don't care how "good" those epilogues are, the implication is that the characters in this piece of fiction I cared about had to deal with all of that bullshit is what truly sucks for me.
i think canonicity wank is stupid as fuck and could be very easily solved for everyone by just replacing 'canon' with 'continuity' but it's also ridiculous to be so emotionally invested in fictional characters (words and pixels on the internet who lack feelings or agency) that you find the idea of them doing bad things in a spinoff series to be "pure torture"

epilogue jane isnt real, she cant change your internal perception of homestuck 1 jane unless you let her. no one is stopping you from banding together with all the other people who hated the epilogues and collectively deciding to pretend it never happened. the only purpose of canon is to serve a common ground for real people to bond over and you can bypass it entirely if enough people agree on something
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Re: I hate the whole "canon discussion" the series has taken

Post by thorondraco » Mon Nov 25, 2019 8:00 pm

Think of it as less 'what is canon to a story' and more the mechanics of their story based reality. The hypocrisy of its causality and shit.

Basically we are going to look behind the curtain.

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Re: I hate the whole "canon discussion" the series has taken

Post by nonsenseMnemonic » Mon Nov 25, 2019 8:08 pm

It's pretty irritating, especially when "choose your own canon"-type sentiments are used to dismiss complaints or concerns about Epi+ content, which they often (but not always) are.
Whether or not something is technically canon, or technically the 'true' path for Homestuck's characters, doesn't matter. If the Epis and HS^2 were blatantly noncanon, instead of "dubiously canon," it still wouldn't matter; as long as they are official, and there are no equivalent official (or equally well-known unofficial) alternatives to them, they are the new content the fandom will be paying attention to and talking about. The people who make the work and the way the work is promoted (on its own (official) website, through Homestuck's (official) Twitter) determine relevance more than any canon label ever will, imo, so the idea that we're breaking new ground by slapping on a different canon label will fall flat for as long as HS^2 is the continuation.
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Re: I hate the whole "canon discussion" the series has taken

Post by Cheshire_Creeper » Mon Nov 25, 2019 8:27 pm

thorondraco wrote:
Mon Nov 25, 2019 8:00 pm
Think of it as less 'what is canon to a story' and more the mechanics of their story based reality. The hypocrisy of its causality and shit.

Basically we are going to look behind the curtain.
I hope one of the "We now interupt Homestuck" segments is just an extended Bob Ross Parody, in which Andrew Hussie, as a robot, explains how to create your own canon.
I want this so badly you don't even know. I feel like this needs to happen for Homestuck^2 to even come close to what it seems to be trying to get the fandom to attempt to do, which is essentially creating your own canon.
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Re: I hate the whole "canon discussion" the series has taken

Post by Flame_Warp » Mon Nov 25, 2019 8:29 pm

nonsenseMnemonic wrote:
Mon Nov 25, 2019 8:08 pm
It's pretty irritating, especially when "choose your own canon"-type sentiments are used to dismiss complaints or concerns about Epi+ content, which they often (but not always) are.
Whether or not something is technically canon, or technically the 'true' path for Homestuck's characters, doesn't matter. If the Epis and HS^2 were blatantly noncanon, instead of "dubiously canon," it still wouldn't matter; as long as they are official, and there are no equivalent official (or equally well-known unofficial) alternatives to them, they are the new content the fandom will be paying attention to and talking about. The people who make the work and the way the work is promoted (on its own (official) website, through Homestuck's (official) Twitter) determine relevance more than any canon label ever will, imo, so the idea that we're breaking new ground by slapping on a different canon label will fall flat for as long as HS^2 is the continuation.
God, all of this. I mean, yes, nothing is stopping me from ignoring Epilogue Jane, except for the fact that epilogue Jane exists and is what the writers of this series think is a good thing to do with Jane's arc. Epilogue Dirk technically doesn't detract from Dirk's character arc, aside from the fact that no matter what in the back of my head I'll know that all of that progress and coming to terms with who he could be and how he doesn't *have* to be that will be thrown aside offscreen for the sake of making him into a transphobic asshole who uses the narrative to intentionally hurt and control the people that he used to care about because He Is Villain Now Lol

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Re: I hate the whole "canon discussion" the series has taken

Post by JakeMorph » Mon Nov 25, 2019 8:39 pm

while i personally couldn't care less about this whole "what does canon mean" angle the franchise has started pushing lately i dont think any of that is directly related to the kind of things that take place in the epilogues. jane isn't being made a fascist because "it doesn't matter because it's not canon lol!" she's being made that way because it tells the kind of story the authors want to tell.

i'm not going to say the epilogues are exactly the same as acts 1-4 of homestuck are, but it's not like they completely pulled all of this stuff out of thin air either. jane being the heir to an evil empire has been in play since early act 6 and became really relevant toward the end. karkat has been destined to carry on the work of his ancestor liberating the troll race since toward the end of act 5. lord english has always been something that needed to be dealt with. dirk has always had manipulative ambitions. sure, these things were all played up for effect in the epilogues, but the story always had the potential to go in those directions. that's going to be how sequels / spinoffs work sometimes.

furrylatula sums is up pretty well: nobody's forcing you to acknowledge what happened in the epilogues if you really don't want to. at the end of the day that seems to have been the purpose of the new 'canon is what you want it to be' angle, but this is also just how all of fiction works. if you think the sequel to a movie sucks, you're free to just return to appreciating the original movie. people do that all the time.
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Re: I hate the whole "canon discussion" the series has taken

Post by MorganMustDie » Mon Nov 25, 2019 8:40 pm


To act as if canon is unimportant, yet still hold up and put a selected work (in this case, HS^2) up on a pillar as "official" is a grand hypocrisy. If the general sentiment being portrayed by the WP team - specifically, you can go believe whatever version of the story you want, participate in whatever version you want, believe whatever you want, make and be paid for whatever you want - was genuine, they would:

a) Release every Homestuck asset, character, location, species, and other similarly owned piece of work into the public domain, allowing any and all creators to freely create their own "canon" continuations and legally be allowed to make money from them
b) Put effort into drawing attention to and building fan followings around Homestuck fanworks OTHER than Act Omega and Vast Error (because, lets be honest, there's more to MSPFA than those two)
c) Not actively disenfranchise OTHER interpretations without good reason (a la Kate saying that CANWC was for "the kinds of people who like rape jokes)
d) Not funnel all of the focus onto their OWN works

Whilst I understand there might be issues with A as long as Viz are involved, the fact that they continuously parrot "it's fine! nothing is canon! make your own choices!" but then refuse to acknowledge alternative interpretations of the text and tell people that the one that they are working on is the most important? It doesn't sit very well with me
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Re: I hate the whole "canon discussion" the series has taken

Post by thorondraco » Mon Nov 25, 2019 9:09 pm

Cyber-Fan wrote:
Mon Nov 25, 2019 7:45 pm
Personally I have mixed feelings about it.

I think the examination of canon works when it's a part of the story, but not absolutely essential to the main plot. For example, I think the idea of Candy John's depression being a result of him being separated from "canon" is interesting, and it's certainly an interpretation that the text supports, but I also appreciate how the narrative provides other in-universe explanations, and even a contrasting voice in the form of Roxy, who straight up says that canon and relevance are bullshit.

I'm not a fan of the approach that Homestuck 2 seems to be taking, where Dirk just annihilates the fourth wall and basically says "hey I am a character in a webcomic called homestuck. I am in charge of canon. Look at this picture it is a panel." I know homestuck is no stranger to meta jokes and fourth wall breaks, but previously they were mostly just jokes. Even Dirk's narrative powers were handled better in the epilogues, when they felt more like weird mind-controlling powers that even Dirk didn't fully understand with extremely meta undertones, rather than "Dirk is literally writing the webcomic that he knows he is a part of."

That second paragraph might have gotten a little off topic but basically all I'm saying is I'm fine with the canon/non-canon exploration as long as it's not the main thematic pillar of the story, and if it's handled with at least a tiny bit of subtlety.

(oh and I haven't played Boldir's route so I can't comment on that.)
Homestuck kinda already set up the idea that the Author/Narrator was a being within paradox space with self insert Hussie. Its reached a point where one of the story's characters has become a author/narrator themself.
Hussie made the mistake of going through the wall and making himself vulnerable to the characters of his story though.

Also literally everyone is taking the Canon Noncanon stuff too seriously. The stuff they are talking about is in universe and the talk about the 'faniverse' is thematic stuff rather than litreal. And having to do with Hussie collecting a squad of fan artists of homestuck to make all of this stuff.

Generally i think the purpose of this is to discover what the hell is even is Canon and relevance. Cause by all means the only reason why the Candy timeline is neither has nothing to do with how the timeline formed, but because its been quarantined from the rest of reality via black hole. It is very possible that the ultimate truth is the Canon is Bullshit. But have a reason in universe why that is. Find the source of what judges what is True, Relevant, and Essential and expose the wizard's true form behind the curtain.

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Re: I hate the whole "canon discussion" the series has taken

Post by BrobyDDark » Mon Nov 25, 2019 9:27 pm

I think what absolutely irks me about the epilogues and "canonity" in Homestuck, the Epilogues, and Homestuck2 and how its "handled" is

Regardless of whether or not you go to full lengths to say Candy is an absolutely non-canon and that the Epilogues and Homestuck2 can just be ignored if you don't like them it's all, like, up to your simplistic view of canon, maaaan

Is that that reasoning is absolutely bullshit. You can write ten-hundred more paragraphs on the in-universe and out-of-universe implications and meaning on canon all you like- both the Epilogues and Homestuck2 are continuations of Homestuck, endorsed by the Huss (and even written somewhat by him), and published by WhatPumpkin. They are canon. They are genuine continuations of the story. There is no getting around this.

You can say that Meat takes place in the Alpha timeline, sure. Timelines are an expected and accepted part of canon. You can say Candy is a timeline doomed to die. Fine. Doomed Timelines are also an expected and accepted part of canon. But that is, again, part of canon. Especially since, y'know, THE CANDY TIMELINE IS EXPLICITLY SHOWN IN HOMESTUCK2.

Yes, I very well could ignore the Epilogues and Homestuck2 and pretend it ended in Act-5 before everything went nuts (more so, anyways.) But that doesn't change the reality of it, or the literal definition of canon.

a general law, rule, principle, or criterion by which something is judged.
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Re: I hate the whole "canon discussion" the series has taken

Post by thorondraco » Mon Nov 25, 2019 9:31 pm

MorganMustDie wrote:
Mon Nov 25, 2019 8:40 pm

To act as if canon is unimportant, yet still hold up and put a selected work (in this case, HS^2) up on a pillar as "official" is a grand hypocrisy. If the general sentiment being portrayed by the WP team - specifically, you can go believe whatever version of the story you want, participate in whatever version you want, believe whatever you want, make and be paid for whatever you want - was genuine, they would:

a) Release every Homestuck asset, character, location, species, and other similarly owned piece of work into the public domain, allowing any and all creators to freely create their own "canon" continuations and legally be allowed to make money from them
b) Put effort into drawing attention to and building fan followings around Homestuck fanworks OTHER than Act Omega and Vast Error (because, lets be honest, there's more to MSPFA than those two)
c) Not actively disenfranchise OTHER interpretations without good reason (a la Kate saying that CANWC was for "the kinds of people who like rape jokes)
d) Not funnel all of the focus onto their OWN works

Whilst I understand there might be issues with A as long as Viz are involved, the fact that they continuously parrot "it's fine! nothing is canon! make your own choices!" but then refuse to acknowledge alternative interpretations of the text and tell people that the one that they are working on is the most important? It doesn't sit very well with me
Unless we are talking about in universe canon and Writers were shitlording/being thematic?

I think they are simply trying to say that we need to cater our own experiences. Line Aysha has said before. We can disregard the epilogues or the sequel if it doesn't appeal. No reason to read something that makes you angry or frustrates you. A lot of what they have said has just been thematic stuff and hyperbole I think.

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Re: I hate the whole "canon discussion" the series has taken

Post by thorondraco » Mon Nov 25, 2019 9:45 pm

BrobyDDark wrote:
Mon Nov 25, 2019 9:27 pm
I think what absolutely irks me about the epilogues and "canonity" in Homestuck, the Epilogues, and Homestuck2 and how its "handled" is

Regardless of whether or not you go to full lengths to say Candy is an absolutely non-canon and that the Epilogues and Homestuck2 can just be ignored if you don't like them it's all, like, up to your simplistic view of canon, maaaan

Is that that reasoning is absolutely bullshit. You can write ten-hundred more paragraphs on the in-universe and out-of-universe implications and meaning on canon all you like- both the Epilogues and Homestuck2 are continuations of Homestuck, endorsed by the Huss (and even written somewhat by him), and published by WhatPumpkin. They are canon. They are genuine continuations of the story. There is no getting around this.

You can say that Meat takes place in the Alpha timeline, sure. Timelines are an expected and accepted part of canon. You can say Candy is a timeline doomed to die. Fine. Doomed Timelines are also an expected and accepted part of canon. But that is, again, part of canon. Especially since, y'know, THE CANDY TIMELINE IS EXPLICITLY SHOWN IN HOMESTUCK2.

Yes, I very well could ignore the Epilogues and Homestuck2 and pretend it ended in Act-5 before everything went nuts (more so, anyways.) But that doesn't change the reality of it, or the literal definition of canon.

a general law, rule, principle, or criterion by which something is judged.
"the appointment violated the canons of fair play and equal opportunity"
a collection or list of sacred books accepted as genuine.
"the formation of the biblical canon"
I think a lot of people are missing a major detail about Candy.

Its not a doomed timeline at all. That is what makes it dangerous and why we can see it still. Because John created it by splitting the timeline... I think it was some kind of fear response or something. He mentions in candy he felt like he was going to die, he sensed a threat. And now the timeline is inside of the black hole, away from paradox space.

The thing is we have no actually definition of the Candy Timeline now. Its not a doomed timeline as it has paradoxical amounts of truth. Its like an alpha but it contradicts the timeloop rather than supports it, and supposedly would be dangerous to reality as it buts heads with the meat timeline.

Maybe we can call it a Paradox Timeline. The only of its kind in all of paradox space.

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Re: I hate the whole "canon discussion" the series has taken

Post by BrobyDDark » Mon Nov 25, 2019 9:53 pm

thorondraco wrote:
Mon Nov 25, 2019 9:45 pm
BrobyDDark wrote:
Mon Nov 25, 2019 9:27 pm
I think what absolutely irks me about the epilogues and "canonity" in Homestuck, the Epilogues, and Homestuck2 and how its "handled" is

Regardless of whether or not you go to full lengths to say Candy is an absolutely non-canon and that the Epilogues and Homestuck2 can just be ignored if you don't like them it's all, like, up to your simplistic view of canon, maaaan

Is that that reasoning is absolutely bullshit. You can write ten-hundred more paragraphs on the in-universe and out-of-universe implications and meaning on canon all you like- both the Epilogues and Homestuck2 are continuations of Homestuck, endorsed by the Huss (and even written somewhat by him), and published by WhatPumpkin. They are canon. They are genuine continuations of the story. There is no getting around this.

You can say that Meat takes place in the Alpha timeline, sure. Timelines are an expected and accepted part of canon. You can say Candy is a timeline doomed to die. Fine. Doomed Timelines are also an expected and accepted part of canon. But that is, again, part of canon. Especially since, y'know, THE CANDY TIMELINE IS EXPLICITLY SHOWN IN HOMESTUCK2.

Yes, I very well could ignore the Epilogues and Homestuck2 and pretend it ended in Act-5 before everything went nuts (more so, anyways.) But that doesn't change the reality of it, or the literal definition of canon.

a general law, rule, principle, or criterion by which something is judged.
"the appointment violated the canons of fair play and equal opportunity"
a collection or list of sacred books accepted as genuine.
"the formation of the biblical canon"
I think a lot of people are missing a major detail about Candy.

Its not a doomed timeline at all. That is what makes it dangerous and why we can see it still. Because John created it by splitting the timeline... I think it was some kind of fear response or something. He mentions in candy he felt like he was going to die, he sensed a threat. And now the timeline is inside of the black hole, away from paradox space.

The thing is we have no actually definition of the Candy Timeline now. Its not a doomed timeline as it has paradoxical amounts of truth. Its like an alpha but it contradicts the timeloop rather than supports it, and supposedly would be dangerous to reality as it buts heads with the meat timeline.

Maybe we can call it a Paradox Timeline. The only of its kind in all of paradox space.
I think I have to agree it's not necessarily a doomed timeline.

Personally, I'd have to say that what makes it dangerous isn't that it butts heads with the main timeline. That isn't it at all- what makes it dangerous is that Candy is entirely different from Paradox Space. It is outside of the rules that make people like Dirk capable of changing a narrative. In regards to canon in-universe, we do know that the cosmos manipulates events in order to propagate itself. If Candy is non-canon, that means it doesn't have a narrative. Well, it does (which is part of the reason I feel this shit is intentionally confusing), but it's not run by Paradox Space.

I think Candy is the birth of a new reality entirely. If Paradox Space is Cosmos A, Candy would be Cosmos B. Maybe Candy isn't inside the black-hole, the black-hole just so happens to lead to Candy?

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Re: I hate the whole "canon discussion" the series has taken

Post by JakeMorph » Mon Nov 25, 2019 10:15 pm

BrobyDDark wrote:
Mon Nov 25, 2019 9:27 pm
Yes, I very well could ignore the Epilogues and Homestuck2 and pretend it ended in Act-5 before everything went nuts (more so, anyways.) But that doesn't change the reality of it, or the literal definition of canon.

a general law, rule, principle, or criterion by which something is judged.
"the appointment violated the canons of fair play and equal opportunity"
a collection or list of sacred books accepted as genuine.
"the formation of the biblical canon"
neither of the definitions you've provided for canon apply to Homestuck at all... the definition of the word "canon" you're using did not exist ten or twenty years ago and was invented to describe modern media like star trek, or star wars, which have a million different spinoffs - cartoons, novels, films - which were contributed to by many of the people responsible for the original media and published in an official capacity but aren't considered "canon" because they just aren't from the original show. this kind of thing is commonplace and has long been widely recognised among discussions about "canonicity".
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Re: I hate the whole "canon discussion" the series has taken

Post by thorondraco » Mon Nov 25, 2019 10:25 pm

BrobyDDark wrote:
Mon Nov 25, 2019 9:53 pm
thorondraco wrote:
Mon Nov 25, 2019 9:45 pm
BrobyDDark wrote:
Mon Nov 25, 2019 9:27 pm
I think what absolutely irks me about the epilogues and "canonity" in Homestuck, the Epilogues, and Homestuck2 and how its "handled" is

Regardless of whether or not you go to full lengths to say Candy is an absolutely non-canon and that the Epilogues and Homestuck2 can just be ignored if you don't like them it's all, like, up to your simplistic view of canon, maaaan

Is that that reasoning is absolutely bullshit. You can write ten-hundred more paragraphs on the in-universe and out-of-universe implications and meaning on canon all you like- both the Epilogues and Homestuck2 are continuations of Homestuck, endorsed by the Huss (and even written somewhat by him), and published by WhatPumpkin. They are canon. They are genuine continuations of the story. There is no getting around this.

You can say that Meat takes place in the Alpha timeline, sure. Timelines are an expected and accepted part of canon. You can say Candy is a timeline doomed to die. Fine. Doomed Timelines are also an expected and accepted part of canon. But that is, again, part of canon. Especially since, y'know, THE CANDY TIMELINE IS EXPLICITLY SHOWN IN HOMESTUCK2.

Yes, I very well could ignore the Epilogues and Homestuck2 and pretend it ended in Act-5 before everything went nuts (more so, anyways.) But that doesn't change the reality of it, or the literal definition of canon.

a general law, rule, principle, or criterion by which something is judged.
"the appointment violated the canons of fair play and equal opportunity"
a collection or list of sacred books accepted as genuine.
"the formation of the biblical canon"
I think a lot of people are missing a major detail about Candy.

Its not a doomed timeline at all. That is what makes it dangerous and why we can see it still. Because John created it by splitting the timeline... I think it was some kind of fear response or something. He mentions in candy he felt like he was going to die, he sensed a threat. And now the timeline is inside of the black hole, away from paradox space.

The thing is we have no actually definition of the Candy Timeline now. Its not a doomed timeline as it has paradoxical amounts of truth. Its like an alpha but it contradicts the timeloop rather than supports it, and supposedly would be dangerous to reality as it buts heads with the meat timeline.

Maybe we can call it a Paradox Timeline. The only of its kind in all of paradox space.
I think I have to agree it's not necessarily a doomed timeline.

Personally, I'd have to say that what makes it dangerous isn't that it butts heads with the main timeline. That isn't it at all- what makes it dangerous is that Candy is entirely different from Paradox Space. It is outside of the rules that make people like Dirk capable of changing a narrative. In regards to canon in-universe, we do know that the cosmos manipulates events in order to propagate itself. If Candy is non-canon, that means it doesn't have a narrative. Well, it does (which is part of the reason I feel this shit is intentionally confusing), but it's not run by Paradox Space.

I think Candy is the birth of a new reality entirely. If Paradox Space is Cosmos A, Candy would be Cosmos B. Maybe Candy isn't inside the black-hole, the black-hole just so happens to lead to Candy?
Portal stuff? Maybe. But Calliope describes it as 'in her event horizon' and more so, she says it is what is allowing her to do the whole narrator thing too. It is acting as something for her to concentrate on and keep her mind together. Its basically her base of operation mentally speaking.

I have no idea how i can remember this shit O.o Dear god.

It being separated from paradox space I think does starve it of narrative. Meaning that narrative powers don't work here, or at least not properly. John is unable to move through the timeline anymore it seems. But he does exit the timeline at some point to grab an errant gamzee, something that leads the entire timeline to major conflict sadly. Though it was shortly after he split the timeline so?
I think Vriska implies, and the very Clouds show, that John still holds that retcon stuff but maybe it can't be used directly anymore, where he is?

There are a lot of mysteries and its clear that the Candy timeline is very anomalous. and its very existence throws a lot of doubt over Paradox Space's very nature.

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Re: I hate the whole "canon discussion" the series has taken

Post by Auntie » Mon Nov 25, 2019 10:52 pm

At first I thought it was kind of interesting, but the further post-Homestuck content goes, the more it unintentionally cements itself as "the official canon direction of things" But by now I'm just thinking, why don't we call a spade a spade, y'know? It's canon that doesn't want to be canon. This isn't to say everyone has to accept it all into their interpretation or reading or whatever, if you want to ignore parts of Homestuck proper I... really don't care. Nobody remembers the entire comic anyway, and if someone wants to, I dunno, have characters that don't say slurs or whatever that's fine.

But it is what it is. The lines haven't blurred one bit, if anything they've solidified.
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Re: I hate the whole "canon discussion" the series has taken

Post by Darth_Energon » Mon Nov 25, 2019 11:05 pm

It does feel extremely disingenuous

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