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by Cyber-Fan » Fri Nov 29, 2019 5:44 pm
calamityCons wrote: ↑Fri Nov 29, 2019 3:17 pm
Crpal wrote: ↑Fri Nov 29, 2019 2:30 pm
So since Aradia is apparently alive, Tavros is probably going to be the main time for us to adress the fact that Vriska did in fact "do a lot of shit wrong." I hope and pray that gets adressed and its not just Tavros saying, "iTS oKAY vRISKA, i tOTALLY fORGIVE yOU fOR tRYING tO kILL mE aND lEAVING mE aS a cRIPPLE. tOTALLY tHE bEST oUTCOME fOR mY lIFE." or I swear I will pop a blood vessel.
Agreed. Vriska's treatment of Tavros causes me a lot of visceral, emotional rejection of Vriska and a strong desire to get Tavros away from her and into a better situation. This is 100% personal for me and I sure as fuck hope that even if Tavros doesn't do anything against Vriska or admit that what she did was horrible and ruined his life in a lot of ways, we can give him some tender loving care because
goddamnit this little angel boy didn't deserve any of that.
These tweets from Tavros' pesterquest writer give me hope. I'm glad to see love for Tavros and direct acknowledgement of Vriska's abuse from the pesterquest team.
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by nonsenseMnemonic » Sat Nov 30, 2019 11:03 pm
There are two things I want from Tavros' route:
1. A conversation about Tavros' own feelings about his abuse -- one that does not take place to pave way for her redemption, but that gives us a chance to talk about him. and how he feels. Tavros' route should not be another Vriska route.
2. On a similar note: a departure from Vriska. In the comic, Tavros is only relevant when Vriska is involved. He's there at first to provide context for her character, and later, again to make jokes about Vriska (largely at his expense). He needs something else going for him. I'd like for his route to introduce something for him that does not revolve around her.
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by calamityCons » Sat Nov 30, 2019 11:08 pm
I hope for all of those things as well, and I hope Tavros is treated with the same kind of dignity that Equius was shown in spite of their "one note joke character" status in Homestuck proper.

#ReviveSpadesSlick #WVForNarrativeRelevance
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by benni » Sun Dec 01, 2019 6:23 am
I believe aradias route is gonna have some kind of big metatextual twist/reveal. There's going to be at least something I mean james roach outright mentioned to not spoil whatever it was to others. I think it's possible we might not be going to aradia's past but that time and canon is so fucked here that she just isn't dead or something.
Also idk if the guy writing tavros has that good of an opinion on him... I just hope he does him some justice.
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by thorondraco » Sun Dec 01, 2019 10:16 am
calamityCons wrote: ↑Sat Nov 30, 2019 11:08 pm
I hope for all of those things as well, and I hope Tavros is treated with the same kind of dignity that Equius was shown in spite of their "one note joke character" status in Homestuck proper.
Seeing what they could do with Equius, i think they might be going with a 'evil hussie' implication. Think gamzee wouldn't have stood a chance if the primary thing on Equius mind was to protect Nepeta.
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by calamityCons » Sun Dec 01, 2019 1:44 pm
thorondraco wrote: ↑Sun Dec 01, 2019 10:16 am
calamityCons wrote: ↑Sat Nov 30, 2019 11:08 pm
I hope for all of those things as well, and I hope Tavros is treated with the same kind of dignity that Equius was shown in spite of their "one note joke character" status in Homestuck proper.
Seeing what they could do with Equius, i think they might be going with a 'evil hussie' implication. Think gamzee wouldn't have stood a chance if the primary thing on Equius mind was to protect Nepeta.
Honestly I've had that criticism from the very beginning. Equius getting off on being choked to death by a highblood overpowering his behavior MOMENTS BEFORE THAT where he and Nepeta were demonstrated to be legitimately, actually in love with one another? I mean, when we're first introduced to Equius he's bossy toward Nepeta and unwilling to roleplay with her, but when we see them in Seek the Highb100d Equius is willingly roleplaying with Nepeta and having genuine emotional feelings jams together. There was a lot of implied, offscreen development of their relationship there, and to see that get swept away by Equius Is Hors Sub Lol as an excuse for how Gamzee of all people could murder Equius successfully, it just. Uurrrrgghhh.

#ReviveSpadesSlick #WVForNarrativeRelevance