Kingdom Hearts is just Homestuck but a video game

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Kingdom Hearts is just Homestuck but a video game

Post by Sahxyel » Wed Dec 11, 2019 12:38 am

The main characters lose their home to a horrific cataclysm and have to contend against dark creatures that stand in their way. A villain who seeds himself and his nefarious work through time stands an omnipresent threat that is fated to succeed and ensure destruction of the world. He can and will possess people. The heroes win by cheating the system and defeating him but not without the main character's monumental sacrifice in the process.

Also usually agreed to have great fucking music overall. Feelings about how it 'ends' is mixed since most people wanted to be off the creator's wild ride with all questions solved and closure given for a series over a decade old.
Also did anyone see the Re:Mind trailer? Pretty hype about it myself :orange:
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Re: Kingdom Hearts is just Homestuck but a video game

Post by BrobyDDark » Wed Dec 11, 2019 1:01 pm

What would Sora's God Tier be? Heart would be his aspect obviously, but what about his class? Heir? Lord?

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Re: Kingdom Hearts is just Homestuck but a video game

Post by galileanTactician » Wed Dec 11, 2019 1:29 pm

Sahxyel wrote:
Wed Dec 11, 2019 12:38 am
The main characters lose their home to a horrific cataclysm and have to contend against dark creatures that stand in their way. A villain who seeds himself and his nefarious work through time stands an omnipresent threat that is fated to succeed and ensure destruction of the world. He can and will possess people. The heroes win by cheating the system and defeating him but not without the main character's monumental sacrifice in the process.

Also usually agreed to have great fucking music overall. Feelings about how it 'ends' is mixed since most people wanted to be off the creator's wild ride with all questions solved and closure given for a series over a decade old.
Also did anyone see the Re:Mind trailer? Pretty hype about it myself :orange:

What if Homestuck is Kingdom Hearts but as a Webcomic

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Re: Kingdom Hearts is just Homestuck but a video game

Post by Sahxyel » Wed Dec 11, 2019 1:41 pm

galileanTactician wrote:
Wed Dec 11, 2019 1:29 pm
What if Homestuck is Kingdom Hearts but as a Webcomic
1st Kingdom Hearts: released March 28th 2002
1st page of Homestuck: released April 13th, 2009

You're right! :amazed:
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Re: Kingdom Hearts is just Homestuck but a video game

Post by Darth_Energon » Wed Dec 11, 2019 10:42 pm

Re:Mind is looking neat so far

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Re: Kingdom Hearts is just Homestuck but a video game

Post by Sahxyel » Thu Dec 12, 2019 1:09 am

BrobyDDark wrote:
Wed Dec 11, 2019 1:01 pm
What would Sora's God Tier be? Heart would be his aspect obviously, but what about his class? Heir? Lord?
Sora ain't Heart, Sora I'd peg wholeheartedly (lmao) as a Blood player. "My friends are my power!" is his claim, and multiple times in the series he surmounts nearly impossible situations because of his bonds with so many people. Sora makes friends and weaves his connections like a spider and that fuels himself to be more powerful, and he makes these friends himself by being a genuinely good personable individual. He fights for his friends, hell he basically weaponizes friendship itself. While he goes about happy-go-lucky this is more or less a mask, he puts on a happy face for everyone else even as shit falls apart around him.

He's, I think, a Knight of Blood.

Now our main man Master Xehanort? He's DEFINITELY a Heart player performing Grand Theft Body on many characters and spreading his Self onto others to become more of him. He manipulates others and infects their selves with himSelf, which is pretty horrifying! Dirk destroyed his own sense of Self as a Prince but I don't think MX is like that, he works kind of outwards on everyone else. I'm very tempted to say Thief, given he does not dictate the rules of Heart on others, but steals the sense of Self from others and fill them with his own to his own selfish benefit at that!
Darth_Energon wrote:
Wed Dec 11, 2019 10:42 pm
Re:Mind is looking neat so far
I'm was totally hyped when I saw
the Radiant Garden Restoration Committee
. Fingers crossed for an amazing DLC!
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Re: Kingdom Hearts is just Homestuck but a video game

Post by Darth_Energon » Thu Dec 12, 2019 1:29 am


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Re: Kingdom Hearts is just Homestuck but a video game

Post by Sahxyel » Thu Dec 12, 2019 1:42 am

Darth_Energon wrote:
Thu Dec 12, 2019 1:29 am
An excellent image
I'm docking you three dalmatian puppies out of 101 for not including the god-tier track.

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Re: Kingdom Hearts is just Homestuck but a video game

Post by classpectanon » Thu Dec 12, 2019 8:26 am

as a whole i found the characters in KH to be difficult to classpect considering the way things change over the course of the series regarding their arcs being different game-to-game, but the last time i tried was before kh3 so maybe i'll try to kick at it again.

either way xion is a mage of void, that one was the one i am definitely the most solid on.
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Re: Kingdom Hearts is just Homestuck but a video game

Post by sodafreq » Sat Dec 28, 2019 10:23 am

classpectanon wrote:
Thu Dec 12, 2019 8:26 am
as a whole i found the characters in KH to be difficult to classpect considering the way things change over the course of the series regarding their arcs being different game-to-game, but the last time i tried was before kh3 so maybe i'll try to kick at it again.

either way xion is a mage of void, that one was the one i am definitely the most solid on.
hm, interesting. i always thought her to be a muse of void or muse of heart, what's your reasoning for mage?
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Re: Kingdom Hearts is just Homestuck but a video game

Post by classpectanon » Sat Dec 28, 2019 12:17 pm

the mages that we see have a heavy element of suffering due to their aspect, sollux is caused agony by the voices of the deceased, meulin's romantic drama and subsequent deafening via kurloz screech, xion is absolutely voidy as shit considering that she doesn't actually exist, which i would consider to be appropriately mage of voidy.
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Re: Kingdom Hearts is just Homestuck but a video game

Post by BrobyDDark » Sat Dec 28, 2019 6:35 pm

Sahxyel wrote:
Thu Dec 12, 2019 1:09 am
BrobyDDark wrote:
Wed Dec 11, 2019 1:01 pm
What would Sora's God Tier be? Heart would be his aspect obviously, but what about his class? Heir? Lord?
Sora ain't Heart, Sora I'd peg wholeheartedly (lmao) as a Blood player. "My friends are my power!" is his claim, and multiple times in the series he surmounts nearly impossible situations because of his bonds with so many people. Sora makes friends and weaves his connections like a spider and that fuels himself to be more powerful, and he makes these friends himself by being a genuinely good personable individual. He fights for his friends, hell he basically weaponizes friendship itself. While he goes about happy-go-lucky this is more or less a mask, he puts on a happy face for everyone else even as shit falls apart around him.

He's, I think, a Knight of Blood.

Now our main man Master Xehanort? He's DEFINITELY a Heart player performing Grand Theft Body on many characters and spreading his Self onto others to become more of him. He manipulates others and infects their selves with himSelf, which is pretty horrifying! Dirk destroyed his own sense of Self as a Prince but I don't think MX is like that, he works kind of outwards on everyone else. I'm very tempted to say Thief, given he does not dictate the rules of Heart on others, but steals the sense of Self from others and fill them with his own to his own selfish benefit at that!
Darth_Energon wrote:
Wed Dec 11, 2019 10:42 pm
Re:Mind is looking neat so far
I'm was totally hyped when I saw
the Radiant Garden Restoration Committee
. Fingers crossed for an amazing DLC!
Now, Heart players are seen as very self-centered and those who only consider there own purpose in life, so I'd think Sora fits very well.
Don't get me wrong- Sora isn't self-centered, he is first and foremost centered on his duty as a Keyblade Wielder, and easily considers more his responsibilities as the most competent and reliable Keyblade Wielder (even if he himself wouldn't think of it that way.)

When it comes to his friends, he can't help but consider what HE can do to help them with their bonds, their feelings. Heart players are most focused on feelings, motivations, intentions. For a Heart player like Xehanort, this means manipulating those feelings to further his own goals. For a Heart player like Sora, this means working with those feelings to help others.

A lot of his adventures are fixated around him- he was THE Keyblade Master, the only one capable of saving the world. THE person tricked into Castle Oblivion who has to fight his way out. THE only person with the power and know-how to stop Xemnas. THE only person who could use the Power of Awakening to bring back Aqua, Ventus, and Terra.

This makes him think more about improving himself (and by extension his party) than it does about boosting others. Certainly, in the first game, he was more focused on finding Riku and Kairi, but it is as you said. "My friends are my power!" His friends are HIS power. HIS. As far as he is concerned, the friendships and bonds he's made over the course of the game are an extension of him. His bond goes far enough that the Hearts he's bonded with are one with his own. You wanna talk about Dirk splintering? There's a reason why the meme is everyone is Xehanort, and everyone else is Sora. He is so great at bonding with others and making their friendship HIS power, that he splinters every time he makes a new friend.

Unlike Xehanort and Dirk, though, his splintering is kept in check because of those friendships. All of Xehanorts splinters have goals beyond helping Xehanort. Ansem, Seeker of Darkness, didn't even give a damn about the x-Blade. He was more curious about Kingdom Hearts because he thought it would make Ansem, SoD, more powerful. Even after his memories were back, he was working with Xehanort out of obligation. Nevermind the stupidity of Xemnas' whole character, who still boggles my mind with how different he is from Xehanort, enough that, given the chance, I believe Xemnas would have betrayed the dude like he did with Organization XIII.

Even when Sora splinters into different being entirely- Xion, Roxas, Ventus (to some extent)- he keeps a steady, close friendship with all of them, unlike Dirk who...well, we all know what he thinks of his splinters.

I'm of the belief it all comes down to interpretation, though. Heart, Blood. It's really about perspective, since they're like Horoscopes- anyone could be any aspect if you take them at their broadest definition.

Considering Sora uses his emotions and the power he gains from the feelings he's extracted from others to fight evil, and how he believes in his bonds, I'd say he's a Knight of Heart. But Knight of Blood is a valid interpretation, too.

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Re: Kingdom Hearts is just Homestuck but a video game

Post by PilotBlackSmith » Sun Dec 29, 2019 7:06 pm

What happened to Sora's mom?

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Re: Kingdom Hearts is just Homestuck but a video game

Post by BrobyDDark » Sun Dec 29, 2019 8:11 pm

PilotBlackSmith wrote:
Sun Dec 29, 2019 7:06 pm
What happened to Sora's mom?
She's still at home, making dinner.

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Re: Kingdom Hearts is just Homestuck but a video game

Post by TobeWonInToronto » Mon Jan 13, 2020 7:05 pm

I used to joke a lot that Homestuck was just a YouTube Poop of Earthbound.

I still don't know if I was wrong or not.

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Re: Kingdom Hearts is just Homestuck but a video game

Post by sodafreq » Wed Jan 22, 2020 7:47 pm

After seeing most of RE:Mind, I have one thing to say (no spoilers, of course.)

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Re: Kingdom Hearts is just Homestuck but a video game

Post by PilotBlackSmith » Mon Mar 30, 2020 11:37 am

oh you like Kingdom Hearts?
Name every Organization 13 member.

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Re: Kingdom Hearts is just Homestuck but a video game

Post by BrobyDDark » Mon Mar 30, 2020 5:34 pm

PilotBlackSmith wrote:
Mon Mar 30, 2020 11:37 am
oh you like Kingdom Hearts?
Name every Organization 13 member.
Xehanort, Xehanort, Xehanort, Xehanort, Sora, Sora, Xehanort, Xehanort, Xehanort, Xehanort, Xehanort, Xehanort, and Demyx

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Re: Kingdom Hearts is just Homestuck but a video game

Post by PilotBlackSmith » Tue Mar 31, 2020 10:18 am

BrobyDDark wrote:
Mon Mar 30, 2020 5:34 pm
PilotBlackSmith wrote:
Mon Mar 30, 2020 11:37 am
oh you like Kingdom Hearts?
Name every Organization 13 member.
Xehanort, Xehanort, Xehanort, Xehanort, Sora, Sora, Xehanort, Xehanort, Xehanort, Xehanort, Xehanort, Xehanort, and Demyx

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Re: Kingdom Hearts is just Homestuck but a video game

Post by foreverFlummoxed » Tue Mar 31, 2020 11:40 pm

Random Kingdom Hearts classpecting thoughts (though out carefully of course) without any knowledge of KH 0.2 frgmnt. pssg. and KH 3+ReMind

Sora - Knight of Heart & Roxas - Knight of Blood. This was my first guess for Sora but it has been stated better above, Roxas (while I was reading above I realized this) seemed like he would fit Blood better as Nobodies don't have hearts, basically "no emotion" and the only thing they have is memories and friendships, bonds, really and Roxas doesn't have memories (and again the discussion above about Sora being a possible Knight of Blood or Heart)

Xemnas - Lord of Void. Leader of the Nobodies, rules The World That Never Was, literally uses the power of nothingness

Xigbar - Prince of Space. This seemed to fit really well

Xaldin - Knight of Breath. Breath because Wind (haha so clever) Knight probably to do with "Not in his nature to hold back" and as Dilan being one of the guards(?) of Ansem the Wise (I'm not sure if that was what his job was specifically but i know Braig, Dilan, and Aeleus were all some sort of Defense guys)

Vexen - definitely a Mind player

Lexaeus - no idea (but it seemed wrong to have 4 then 6) (if I had to guess possibly Blood or Rage)

Zexion - Mage of Light. Has knowledge aplenty not that it helped him out in the end

Saïx - Bard of Hope. Instigates, misdirects, and influences others (mainly Sora) by destroying the hope of their actions being the right actions (and probably other ways I can't think of right now)

Axel - Rogue of Breath. Controls Assassins, any shady things he has done/is doing was/is for the benefit of others in changing the course of their actions or preventing a change entirely (withholding info and such)

Demyx - Page of Doom. Seemingly has potential for more destruction then he lets on, also get others to do his work for him a lot (see 358/2 Days & "I'm not the right guy for this!")

Luxord - A Time player

Marluxia - Prince of Life. I thought this even before I remembered the flowers (things that grow obvious sign of life) and the Scythe (life ends with death, popular depictions of death include a scythe)

Larxene - Rage player

Naminé - Witch of Mind (does this one need an explanation really?)

Xion - I agree works as a Mage of Void, nothing really to add there
FF: Personally, I think my skills are near-mediocre at best. that's really all there is to say on the matter.

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